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The Worldwide Debt Crisis

The Worldwide Debt Crisis



I dare say all of us here, no matter where we hang our hat, are affected by the debt crisis across the world. Here in the U.S. we have one of the stronger economy's in the world, but that's not saying much. It's incredible to me that the US government continues to spend recklessly and borrow money from China to make ends meet. If we think things are bad now, just look at Greece and that is exactly where we are headed. That's not an alarmist "theory," it's a fact.

Our President, who ran a campaign based on cutting our budget deficits in half, has added a monumental 6 TRILLION to our debt in just 4 years. I find the following quote to be very well said. Note the irony at the end.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Senator Barack H.Obama, March 2006

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Originally posted by sumydid
I dare say all of us here, no matter where we hang our hat, are affected by the debt crisis across the world. Here in the U.S. we have one of the stronger economy's in the world, but that's not saying much. It's incredible to me that the US government continues to spend recklessly and borrow money from China to make ends meet. If we think things are bad n ...[text shortened]... e of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Senator Barack H.Obama, March 2006


Originally posted by sumydid

I dare say all of us here, no matter where we hang our hat, are affected by the debt crisis across the world. Here in the U.S. we have one of the stronger economy's in the world, but that's not saying much. It's incredible to me that the US government continues to spend recklessly and borrow money from China to make ends meet. If we think things are bad ...[text shortened]... e of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Senator Barack H.Obama, March 2006
We,ve finally been getting what we deserve as a nation in which too many have made too many wrong decisions from a position of weakness. Without God's indirect intervention we're belly up and dead in the water. Worldwide ripple effect will be unfathomable. A feeble approximation might be a sudden crash of the internet. Chicken Little will have been right. Most will be living in Panic Palace.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
We,ve finally been getting what we deserve as a nation in which too many have made too many wrong decisions from a position of weakness. Without God's indirect intervention we're belly up and dead in the water. Worldwide ripple effect will be unfathomable. A feeble approximation might be a sudden crash of the internet. Chicken Little will have been right. Most will be living in Panic Palace.
Interesting that you mention Chicken Little, as he is going nuts at this very moment, *screaming* to anyone who will listen--and alas, no one in a position of power *is* listening.

Do you think the end game to all this is worldwide destruction to the point where relatively few people remain and technology has crashed to the point where we have to live off the land and start over?


mr. ale and I mailed in our ballots this morning. Pray to God that some of our friends will wake up.

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Originally posted by sumydid
Interesting that you mention Chicken Little, as he is going nuts at this very moment, *screaming* to anyone who will listen--and alas, no one in a position of power *is* listening.

Do you think the end game to all this is worldwide destruction to the point where relatively few people remain and technology has crashed to the point where we have to live off the land and start over?
No, definitely not. Nation States have ascended and declined for millenia. We've lasted longer than most. Nothing will destory the habitable earth until Christ, himself, takes care of that matter as a routine course of prophesied biz following the His 2nd Advent and 1,000 Year Reign after the Tribulation... whether the USA self destructs and ends up in the dust bin of human history or not. Curiously, this nation (once a republic) isn't even mentioned in Revelation or any of the other OT/NT Books dealing with eschatalogical events on the Divine Do List since Eternity Past.

Note: Won't surprise me if this thread finds itself a new forum home before sunrise.

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis

Thank you for that. Just sunk 30 minutes into it and plan on finishing it later. Good stuff.


Originally posted by ale1552
mr. ale and I mailed in our ballots this morning. Pray to God that some of our friends will wake up.
The multi-pronged efforts on behalf of the Obama campaign to steal the election might be just enough to pay off.

* Mass mailings to registered Republicans trying to convince them they are ineligible to vote
* Absentee ballot system hijacked and screwed up so that many in the military (nearly all of whom do not support Obama) will not be able to cast votes
* Under the guise of "human rights violations* in an unprecedented fashion, Liberals convinced the UN to dispatch "overseers" to the voting booths in all States supporting Voter ID Laws, specifically to prevent Conservatives from "harrassing" voters by telling them they need to be legal citizens

And now the polls in critical states (Ohio most importantly) make it look to me like the election will be closer than it should be.

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Originally posted by sumydid
The multi-pronged efforts on behalf of the Obama campaign to steal the election might be just enough to pay off.

* Mass mailings to registered Republicans trying to convince them they are ineligible to vote
* Absentee ballot system hijacked and screwed up so that many in the military (nearly all of whom do not support Obama) will not be able to cast vote ...[text shortened]... io most importantly) make it look to me like the election will be closer than it should be.
I have been hearing about at least two projects taken on by Mr. Geo. Soros which smack loudly of fraud in counting the votes.

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Originally posted by sumydid
Originally posted by ChessPraxis

Thank you for that. Just sunk 30 minutes into it and plan on finishing it later. Good stuff.[/b]
It's worth the watch as are the maker's other videos.

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Note: Won't surprise me if this thread finds itself a new forum home before sunrise"

The Rabbit Hole?, say hello to Alice for me.

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Proof, a picture back in the days when Obama was a Somalian pirate!!


His bayonet is broken!!

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