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This is me...

This is me...


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A little bit more about me... Don't know why I'm really doing this but I'm doing it anyway. Here's a little list of movies that I like and and each one of them has a part of me.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Loved this one since a kid.
Good Will Hunting - This one says a lot about me. Especially Will.
EXistenZ - Great movie, great acting. You gotta love Jennifer Jason Leigh!
The Machinist - See it!
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind - What a great way, to tell a great story! Kate Winslet rocked! Jim Carrey rocked, the whole movie rocked!
Matrix Reloaded - A lotta people say this is the worst one in the trilogy, well I say they're wrong! Boy they're so wrong! The french man dialogues are so deep.
Back to The Future - The three of them! When I was a kid I had something of a Marty...
Kidulthood - Another good way t tell a good story.
The Break-Up - Just worth for the fact the ending isn't cliched. And you gotta love the way Vince Vaughn throws his lines. They come so fluently, so naturally.
Devil's Advocate - Got no words for this one!
Speed - Intense!
Lost in Translation - Bill Murray is the man!
Groundhog Day - Bill Murray is the man! The guy just adlibs so much that it isn't natural!
American Beauty - A very beautiful movie.
Dead Poets Society - Robin Williams! A sir! A real sir!
The Breakfast Club - Me in bits and pieces.
Tango and Cash - Forgive me for this one but I was a kid when I first saw the movie and liked it. Now I like it for emotional reasons.
The Last Samurai - I think I could see this movie everyday and don't get fed up with it. Really liked this one!
The Butterfly Effect - Wow!
Natural Born Killers - Way to go, Woody!
Wedding Crashers - Not just a comic movie. A lot to be learned.

I'm forgetting a lot of them but I will update this list as I remember.

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Matrix Reloaded - A lotta people say this is the worst one in the trilogy, well I say they're wrong! Boy they're so wrong! The french man dialogues are so deep.
Yea! *high-fives*

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Originally posted by Raven69
Yea! *high-fives*
A kindred soul on this issue. 🙂

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Originally posted by adam warlock
A little bit more about me... Don't know why I'm really doing this but I'm doing it anyway. Here's a little list of movies that I like and and each one of them has a part of me.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - pure crap.

"Good Will Hunting - This one says a lot about me. Especially Will."

So you're really a bad-ass genius from Boston who'd rather kick the snot out of geeks than go to school?

Matrix Reloaded - A lotta people say this is the worst one in the trilogy, well I say they're right, so right. The french man dialogues put me to sleep.

"Kidulthood - Another good way t tell a good story."

If they were so great at remaking "Kids" why couldn't they come up with a better title for their film?

"The Break-Up - Just worth for the fact the ending isn't cliched. And you gotta love the way Vince Vaughn throws his lines. They come so fluently, so naturally."

Go on, find a bigger cliché - I dare you.

"Speed - Instense!"[/b]

If by "intense" you mean "not intense."

"The Breakfast Club - Me in bits and pieces."

Given what you said about Good Will Hunting I bet you're the one who hid his "doobage" down nerd-boy's pants.

"The Butterfly Effect - Wow!"[/b]

The director's cut, or the cinema release? 'Cuz the cinema release was like getting punk'd. Then again, so was the director's cut, but at least he dies at the end.

"Wedding Crashers - Not just a comic movie. A lot to be learned."

What did you learn? They should make a movie about how that movie was most definitely not more than just a comic film.


Dang... I ruined it by having to edit 6 times to fix the bold type because I didn't see the line where I closed italics instead... D'Oh!

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Originally posted by st00p1dfac3
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - pure crap.

[b]"Good Will Hunting - This one says a lot about me. Especially Will."

So you're really a bad-ass genius from Boston who'd rather kick the snot out of geeks than go to school?

Matrix Reloaded - A lotta people say this is the worst one in the trilogy, well I say they're right, so right. The french man di I didn't see the line where I closed italics instead... D'Oh![/b]
Good Will Hunting - Will is a lot more than that.
Matrix - That's because you didn't got it.
Kidulthood is a pretty selfexplanotory title.
Break-up how was the ending cliched?
The Break-Fast Club is holly ground. Please don't desecrate it!
Butterfly Effect - Director's cut!
Wedding Crashers - Watch it again without being snobby

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Originally posted by st00p1dfac3
Dang... I ruined it by having to edit 6 times to fix the bold type because I didn't see the line where I closed italics instead... D'Oh!
*points and laughs*

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Originally posted by Raven69
*points and laughs*
*joins the laughter*

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Originally posted by adam warlock
blah blah blah tom cruise blah blah blah jim carrey.
get out of my internets, you fiend. >:l


Cast Away.

Poor Wilson! :'(

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
Cast Away.

Poor Wilson! :'(
Refresh my memory... Who is Wilson again? 🙂

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Originally posted by Duke of Brabant
Refresh my memory... Who is Wilson again? 🙂
He was the volleyball. :'(

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
He was the volleyball. :'(
Oh, right. Now I remember. He got kicked 😀.

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
Cast Away.

Poor Wilson! :'(
I know, eh? *sad*

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
Cast Away.

Poor Wilson! :'(
Duly saluted & rec'd

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Originally posted by Raven69
I know, eh? *sad*
Yep. :'(

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