I am fairly new to the site. What is the procedure to go through when
a person you are playing has run out of time in a game.
Also I was playing a game and the delete logo was after the game
listed on "your game list" the person did not make a move for 8 or 9
days, ran out of time. I clicked on the delete logo and the game went
away my rating did not chage. The game did end up on my archives.
if your opponent has failed to move in the agreed to time, a "claim
win" icon ( a shield ) should appear next to that game in "your
games"...you can claim the win by clicking on that icon.
the "delete game" icon appears during the first 2 or 3 moves of each
game. you can decide to delete the game at that point w/o it
affecting your rating or your record. once this opportunity passes,
however, you are obligated to finish out the game.
WhenI first joined I made mistakes too - like I thought the "move
reminder" symbol meant my oppenent was reminding me to move -
which was really confusing because it was their move.
Anyway, if a person runs out of time you'll get a symbol (a shield, but
I reckon it looks like a pair of Y-fronts) to the right of the game on
the "your games" menu called "claim victory". If you click that, you win
and get the points. There's many philosophies when is the right time
to claim - some claim immediatly, some wait a while and send a few
reminders first. Most agree that if a person has told you or written in
their profile that they'll be away it's sporting to wait until they get back.
But... when a game is young (only 2 or so moves in) there is always a
delete button to the right of it. Either player can hit that and the game
is cancelled, no points won or lost on either side. It's only after the
game is established that you get the option to win by time out.
Hope this essay helps
Thank you much for the fast answers. The logo for "claim victory" was
off screen. Found the logo after moving the screen to the right. As for
the other problem We were about 15 moves into the game and it had
a delete logo on it. I thought I had to click on it to win the game. The
claim victory was probably there but I didn't see it. Guess I lost that
game. No points taken away but none gained either. Like you say
mistakes are made. It is all in the game. Love this site. Thanks again.