@trev33 saidThe definition of "today" is permanently hurtling along at about 1,000 miles an hour; it's a wonder tall trees ain't laying down.
Since your question was posted at 11:59pm I'm unable to answer due to the condition of the thread. Your question now qualifies as yesterdays big question but unfortunately no such thread exists.
@kevin-eleven saidCountry and time-zone would be important! 🙂
Since we had a holiday on Monday, is tomorrow still garbage day or has that been shifted to Thursday?
12 Oct 22
@very-rusty saidThanks for the red thumb fmf! 🙂
Country and time-zone would be important! 🙂
13 Oct 22
@gertrude saidWhen you're talking about what "today" is, the time zones and the pancake-like spinning of this disc-like Earth, make things way, way more complicated than simply saying there "comes a time", regardless of what pampered musicians might have us believe.
comes a time
And even then, we still face the question "what is big?"
And - with regard to what a "question" is - we can pause for thought over this: "What is the answer to this question?" Answering "yes" or "no" just makes a mockery.
It's a mess. A complete mess.
@rookie54 saidTheo, but not the one who got shot.