I suspect it's what most people want. I click on a thread which doesn't have my name as last poster, hoping to find a discussion on a topic which interests ME and where I can add MY contribution, hopefully keeping the topic moving along and inspiring the next poster to do the same.
What I don't want is more of what I already saw in the last thread I looked at, which appeared to be on a totally different topic.
I'm always hopeful, that's why I'm still here, even though it seems others don't want the same as I do.
Originally posted by KewpieI think you must be in the wrong forum darling.
I suspect it's what most people want. I click on a thread which doesn't have my name as last poster, hoping to find a discussion on a topic which interests ME and where I can add MY contribution, hopefully keeping the topic moving along and inspiring the next poster to do the same.
What I don't want is more of what I already saw in the last thread I looke ...[text shortened]... ays hopeful, that's why I'm still here, even though it seems others don't want the same as I do.
Originally posted by KewpieLively conversation with other relaxed site members (who have the emotional maturity to accept differences in others) in threads, pieces of string, with a series of opinions and questions is nice to find in public forums in today's world. (imo)
I suspect it's what most people want. I click on a thread which doesn't have my name as last poster, hoping to find a discussion on a topic which interests ME and where I can add MY contribution, hopefully keeping the topic moving along and inspiring the next poster to do the same.
What I don't want is more of what I already saw in the last thread I looke ...[text shortened]... ays hopeful, that's why I'm still here, even though it seems others don't want the same as I do.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThat sounds like an ad for Carnival Cruise Lines. 😛
Lively conversation with other relaxed site members (who have the emotional maturity to accept differences in others) in threads, pieces of string, with a series of opinions and questions is nice to find in public forums in today's world. (imo)
Actually, i want to be educated and entertained, something with intellectual content, but not so much that its brow beating, but not so little that its the equivalent of a tabloid newspaper, to my mind Bosse de Nage is the best, failing that, dancing girls in a spaghetti western will do.
Originally posted by KewpieI like seeing my name as the last poster because then I know that any posts lower than it on the list are ones I've already passed on.
I suspect it's what most people want. I click on a thread which doesn't have my name as last poster, hoping to find a discussion on a topic which interests ME and where I can add MY contribution, hopefully keeping the topic moving along and inspiring the next poster to do the same.
What I don't want is more of what I already saw in the last thread I looke ...[text shortened]... ays hopeful, that's why I'm still here, even though it seems others don't want the same as I do.