Originally posted by HandyAndySo?
But the wrong post is yours, pal, not mine.
Does it affect your compulsive obsessive nature, dude?
Like a non aligned picture on the wall, that you just cannot let be,
because your hands get sweaty and you start "perspirng", and
the world just cannot go on because of that 'error'
Edit. Thanks prosoccer 😞
Originally posted by Seitse*cough*...obsessive compulsive
Does it affect your compulsive obsessive nature, dude?
Like a non aligned picture on the wall, that you just cannot let be,
because your hands get sweaty and you start transpirating, and
the world just cannot go on because of that 'error'
I think you mean perspiring because he probably isn't a tree.
Some materials when in black color tend to shine,
some people when in trivial threads tend to whine,
some retards when in wrong posts tend to be swine,
aspiring poets into ridiculous rhymes tend to entwine,
... and dazzling sonets into vintage vibes are just like Divine!
Fat & ugly, hairy bloke in a golden top eating crap of a tiny dog,
that's some disturbing imagery you just put into the poor tormented mind of mine!
What's, then, the true meaning of a mock?
To always, unmistakenly, walk the line?
P.S. I will regret this thread for a loooong time.