... feel good?
Personally, what makes me feel good is: sneezing, because when I lose a sneeze I feel cheated; but when I get that sneeze, boy-oh-boy do I feel great!
As well, I really feel good when I go pee. You know? Especially after you have to hold it in (for so long) because you are in a moving car (on the highway) & you just finished your 3rd cup of coffee? Well. when you finally get to relieve yourself ... Mmm-hmm!!!
And finally, what makes me feel really good, is, after a long, hard day (at work)... You get home (after an hour in traffic), you go to the fridge & there is a nice cold beer (with your name written all over it) ... You twist the cap, and just the sound of it openning makes my mouth water.
So yeah, what makes you feel good??
Obviously there are various things that make me feel good. Half of them are illegal in most countries and many of them could have my post banned if mentioned. But since you ask:
1. Orgasming whilst stoned.
Sorry. But I've excellent times on drugs... despite what the adverts say.
2. Driving at 190 km's an hour on a half empty motorway.
Sure it's dangerous, but staying at home and playing domino's just doesn't do it for me.
3. Free falling
Nothing like suffering from vertigo and still jumping out of an aeroplane! Definately a must and I recommend it highly.
4. Falling in love
There's nothing like that horrible heavy feeling you get when you've just fallen in love with someone and you're wondering if they're talking to someone other than yourself at that moment in time. That wave of irrational jealousy which gets you all excited, irritated and unconcentrated at the same time.
5. Making love to a 'new' person.
Obviously not a new person as in a 'just born baby', but making love to someone you've never made love to before. I don't know...it's probably biological conquest or something.
6. Saying the most outragious things, teetering on the brink of indecency...and getting away with it!
Yup. Nothing like pushing the limits of acceptance and strolling away stronger, wiser and amused!
7. Good food.
Nothing like a gorgeous meal with a good bottle of wine to make me as happy as a male rabbit in a den full of female rabbits.
I was just in bed and two more things popped into mind, which I should mention, because they bring me great happiness.
8. Pretending I don't know Dutch.
This is a great source of amusement. I once was even slapped because of it. In the middle of a nightclub. It cracked me up.
9. Unsupporting football teams.
There are 3 teams I like to watch playing football: England, Holland and the US. And I like watching them lose.
So basically I support whichever team is playing one of these sides.
And I prefer to watch it in a pub full of supporters.
Usually this will be Dutch or English supporters. I love it when they go up a goal. They get all arrogant, shouting they're the best.
Then if the opposing side scores 2 goals more....I'm in hysterics. The weeping, cursing and wailing of the supporters brings tears of joy to my eyes.