The post that was quoted here has been removedChrist, in his glorified post-resurrection body, prepared fish over an open fire by the seashore and partook of the meal
with his disciples... and also enjoyed the Last Supper with them in the upper room prior to his ascension and session.
May well be food upstairs, though that along with a host of other aspects of the eternal state have not been revealed.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyFor the Jewish Passover Seder, celebration of deliverance is in order. For the Christian tradition of the Last Supper "enjoyed" just can't be the right verb there.
and also enjoyed the Last Supper with them in the upper room...
For those of other traditions, the timeline: Last Supper (Passover Seder)...Crucifixion....Resurrection....Post-resurrection appearance(s)...Ascension.
Originally posted by MontyMooseStand corrected... not The Last Supper but when he appeared to them in the Upper Room following his resurrection
For the Jewish Passover Seder, celebration of deliverance is in order. For the Christian tradition of the Last Supper "enjoyed" just can't be the right verb there.
For those of other traditions, the timeline: Last Supper (Passover Seder)...Crucifixion....Resurrection....Post-resurrection appearance(s)...Ascension.
(gaining entrance through the locked door, which his glorified body travelled through, and having Thomas thrust his
hand into the spear wound) was in mind. Verb to signify the near completion of his propitiatory mission and victory.