30 May 22
Inspired by Thread 193350, I saw that we were advised to grow new organs. As yet it is impossible "just to grow" some.
Additional eyes in the back of the head would be a nice addition.
30 May 22
@torunn saidI'm not so sure the senses are organs. An ear is the organ that enables us to smell, for instance. What organ would you grow to give you a sixth sense?
A sixth sense
30 May 22
@ponderable saidWith the market being like it is, I am already growing organs in my children.
Inspired by Thread 193350, I saw that we were advised to grow new organs. As yet it is impossible "just to grow" some.
Additional eyes in the back of the head would be a nice addition.
30 May 22
@torunn saidI like the idea to have a further sense (and any organ providing it). So what would you want to sense?
A sixth sense
* Magnetic fields (there are anuimals that can do this, I don't know if they identified an organ yet)
* Infrared radiation (that would probably be in the eye), that would be quite useful I think.
@ponderable saidThank you. I would like to develop telepathy which I believe exists in some of us - I would want more of it.
I like the idea to have a further sense (and any organ providing it). So what would you want to sense?
* Magnetic fields (there are anuimals that can do this, I don't know if they identified an organ yet)
* Infrared radiation (that would probably be in the eye), that would be quite useful I think.
@ponderable saidI think another brain for storage capacity
Inspired by Thread 193350, I saw that we were advised to grow new organs. As yet it is impossible "just to grow" some.
Additional eyes in the back of the head would be a nice addition.