Originally posted by LuckHeehee! If earning lots of money (incidentally, in the end I told them they overpaid me), spending time with a most charming young lady, and no longer feeling addicted to a chess website all count as "normal problems", then I'm happy to take a few more on!
No, just normal problems 🙂 He will be back!
But yep, the upshot is the same, I'll no longer be spending oodles of hours on RHP, at least not in the imminent future.
Seems almost disrespectful to so blatantly use RHP as a crutch, or as some kind of safety net only when the need arises. But then different peeps use it for different things I guess, a place to play chess, or a place to improve their chess, or a platform or stage on which to act, or as a creative outlet, or an escape, or even a chance to feel self worth. I know I've used this place for all those things in the past. Credit to Chris and Russ. Makes the price of a star seem like damn good value for money!
Enough naval-gazing introspective musings. At least for a sentence or two. I went to see "The Hours" yesterday. Anyone else seen it? Thoughts? If I'm honest I'm still reeling from the sheer emotional punch of the film, and it'll prolly take a day or three to sink in enough to work out specifically the feelings and emotions it provoked in me (I can be a bit slow sometimes). At the moment I guess all I'd say is that it reaffirmed my belief in film being, at times, a very powerful medium indeed.
and no longer feeling addicted to a chess websitedammit. does this mean that you won't be posting or playing anymore? I am totally happy that if the answer is 'yes' that you have found something else. Something good. Something better than RHP probably makes you very happy. 🙂
I'll no longer be spending oodles of hours on RHP, at least not in the imminent future.
Anyway, stay, go, or pop in occasionally, your game will be left open. Let me know what's going on with you if you have time. The offer of a Belgian tour is still open (for 1 person or more if you like).
Whatever happens, take care of you,
Some poor wordage on my part there! Nooooo, don't start celebrating yet, I'll still be around, just feel like I'm taking liberties a bit keeping 50 or so players waiting a week or more for me to move, so will cut back on games (prolly only play peeps on my buddy list) and won't visit the forums so much (it's just nice not to feel a 'need' to read every thread, and anyway, there's some great posts and enjoyable threads going on, so me not contributing as much won't make a huge difference - the forums are getting better and better, with a few hiccups along the way). Plus I'm pretty sure I've finally shaken off the addiction, and it's been replaced by some good, positive things in my life. None more so than a much needed increased belief in myself (you're right Kirk).
Anyways, it'd take something pretty major to free y'all from the squirrel lover completely 😛
Enough of that. "The Hours" anyone? First thing I need to come to terms with I guess is that that really was Nicole Kidman! Took me quite a while 'fore I twigged! And am I alone in thinking that despite fairly advanced years Meryl Streep is in fact one gorgeous looking lady? 😲