who determined the numer of letters in our alfibit? why 26?
Originally posted by stunner who determined the numer of letters in our alfibit? why 26?
fdlmao 😀
i think we could get along with only 10 or 12 letters
exactly my point, we need less letters in the english alfabet.
Looks like we have a Mr. Perfect Spelling bee master hear.
Originally posted by stunner i think we could get along with only 10 or 12 letters
lets all work on a new alfibet for english. suggest s r d g t b m k l p only. u can spell everything with those letters
Originally posted by stunner lets all work on a new alfibet for english. suggest s r d g t b m k l p only. u can spell everything with those letters
Originally posted by jyetsko exactly my point, we need less letters in the english alfabet.
No, No nothing like that. That is too old to be considered. The 70's were years ago and nothing from that time is to be taken seriously.
chess can be "ggss"
Originally posted by mlprior I say we use only vowels! oo i e!
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