Originally posted by greenpawn34nasa update:
It's going to hit us.
China, Russia and the USA have all taken a very sudden
intererst in Mars - it's going to be the safest to be in 2028.
"On October 26, 2028, the near-Earth asteroid 1997 XF11 will make a close approach to Earth. Although initial reports indicated an extremely close passage, the current analyses predict an approach distance of 0.00636 AU (951,000 km, 591,000 mi) or about 2.5 times farther than the moon. The probability that the asteroid will impact the Earth is effectively zero."
aww... how disappointing. 🙁
Originally posted by mlpriorMatter is neither created or destroyed, only altered in form so the Earth and all of its inhabitants in some shape or form will last forever....
The world (space and everything in it) will probably last forever, though Earth's days are numbered.
That's alright, humans will be extinct by the time Earth is swollowed up by the sun.
Humans will be done long before the Earth is swallowed up by the sun..we are long due for an asteroid strike.
Frankly, I'd like to be around to see the Earth stretched out by a Black Hole....They're all around us.