I have read the book (as noted in the current reading thread) and now did the test on the authors website.
These are my results:
Neuroticism: Low
Extraversion: High
Openness to Experience: Very High
Agreeableness: Low
Conscientiousness: Low
Persuasiveness: Very High
It seems I score quite a bit extreme...
Edits: I do have a problem with formatting issues 😉
Not quite accurate for me but I’m not in my usual frame of mind at the moment. I’d say I’m one step higher on conscientiousness and agreeableness and several higher on extraversion.
Neuroticism Score: Low
You tend to be secure, hardy, and generally relaxed even under stressful conditions.
Extraversion Score: Low
You tend to be introverted, reserved, serious. You prefer to be alone or with a few close friends.
Openness to Experience Score: High
You are open to new experiences. You have broad interests and are very imaginative.
Agreeableness Score: Very Low
You tend to be hardheaded, sceptical, proud, and competitive. You tend to express anger directly.
Conscientiousness Score Score: Average
You tend to be dependable, moderately well-organized. You generally have clear goals but are able to set your work aside.
Persuasiveness Score: Very High
You are confident. charismatic, empathic, and have a strong personality.
I, too, feel my Conscientiousness Score should be higher, but this is an interesting test.
Neuroticism Score: Average
You tend to be generally calm and able to deal with stress, but sometimes experience feelings of guilt, anger and sadness.
Extraversion Score: High
You tend to be extraverted, outgoing, active and high-spirited. You prefer to be around people most of the time.
Openness to Experience Score: Average
You tend to be practical but willing to consider new ways of doing things. You seek a balance between the old and the new.
Agreeableness Score: Low
You tend to be hardheaded, sceptical, proud, and competitive. You tend to express anger directly.
Conscientiousness Score: Average
You tend to be dependable, moderately well-organized. You generally have clear goals but are able to set your work aside.
Persuasiveness Score: Very High
You are confident. charismatic, empathic, and have a strong personality.
Originally posted by @drewnogalIndeed the view from outside normally proves to be quite fruitful.
Maybe we should get our nearest and dearest to score for us??
Originally posted by @torunnProbably an astute move. 🙂
I stopped reading after
Neuroticism: Very high
... 🙂
Originally posted by @great-big-steesIt didn't seem promising.
Probably an astute move. 🙂