Anyone can say anything at anytime about anyone.
If it is true it might hurt.
If it is not true then you do not let it hurt,and you put in your mind
that if anyone thinks No Smoke that is their loss.
No one ever hurt me by telling lies.I always respond by telling the
truth about them.
If someone wants to hurt me they have enough dirt they don't need to
invent anymore.
Janey is special.She is a victim of crossfire.She needs to learn these
lessons if she wants to swim in the big duck's pond.
I agree with you, but you mean personal hurts, because lies could
affect your reputation in a comunity, so you couldnt be personally
hurt but, the opinion of the people that interchange with you may
change about you.
There are people that doesnt matter what others think about them
but others really care, so these ones could be hurted.