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World Series

World Series


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Who's your favorite team to win the world series and why????

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white Sox...they have the best record>

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Originally posted by Nietzsche1844
white Sox...they have the best record>
Always check your facts before making bold statements...

White Sox won 99
Cards won 100

You get an F.


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The team with the best pitching will win. The Astros. Possibly the Cards.

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It's not a world series if other countries don't compete.

I've alerted the mods to this thread. Please stop posting to avoid further embarrasment.

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Originally posted by Crowley
It's not a world series if other countries don't compete.

I've alerted the mods to this thread. Please stop posting to avoid further embarrasment.
It is a world series, since the best players from all over the world come to play... and they beat everyone who came.



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Originally posted by darvlay
The team with the best pitching will win. The Astros. Possibly the Cards.
I'm pulling for Roger too.

Rec that.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
It is a world series, since the best players from all over the world come to play... and they beat everyone who came.


No, he's right, Trev. It's a stupid name. 100 years ago, there weren't any Cubans, Dominicans or Japanese participating in the World Series. So to use that reasoning is totally bunk.

However, it's a traditional name and an embedded part of American culture and they certainly won't change it now! Could you imagine if they renamed the World Series? There'd be millions of crackers and rednecks up in arms!

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Originally posted by darvlay
No, he's right, Trev. It's a stupid name. 100 years ago, there weren't any Cubans, Dominicans or Japanese participating in the World Series. So to use that reasoning is totally bunk.

However, it's a traditional name and an embedded part of American culture and they certainly won't change it now! Could you imagine if they renamed the World Series? There'd be millions of crackers and rednecks up in arms!
Yeah, but that was 100 years ago when we really did rule the world.


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Originally posted by darvlay
crackers and rednecks up in arms!
Which are you?

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I think the Angels will beat the Astros for the championship. Everyone knows the best baseball is played in the American League and on the West Coast.

Oh boy, here it comes ...😀

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Originally posted by Nietzsche1844
white Sox...they have the best record>
Yeah I guess the fix is in again for the Sox after last night's crap call but this time they are trying to win.

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No worries Joe, the Angels will bounce right back. Trust me.

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I'm going with the ChiSox. I think they want it more than anyone. And sometimes, willpower is all it takes.

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