Hi All:
Well, i would just like to say, that, i don't like this battlefield that the
forums has become. Rating's here...well, they mean nothing...nothing
at all; my true rating, well, it is far beyond this server; that was a long
time ago, though. however, i am liking a player that i am playing
unrated; i am going to show him, the true way of playing. He is not
ready, but, he will learn. casper...are you ready for what i will show
you?? i will show you rook formations...knight formations...how to
dominate knights with bishops; vice versa!! pawn structure, pawn
chains, outpost's, how to play your bishops, knights. how to play your
king in the end game; deadly he can be, if used proper. Forks, x-
rays, pins, skewers...family forks, zugzwang; name it, i can teach it.
I am not a high rated player as you can see and I just learned how to
play chess about 6 months ago but think there is a reason people
have the rating they do. When you win a game, you get rating point
(s), and when you lose a game you lose rating point(s). This would
seem to suggest that someone with a higher rating is winning more
than they are losing. Someone with a much higher rating is winning
MUCH more than they are losing. If this means NOTHING, then a cat
is a dog, a house is an aeroplane, cops are criminals, criminals saints,
the door is a jar and there is no order in the universe!
if you are new here please dont place a "high"value on rhp points they
are only indicators and not a true measure of worth!! for example if a
player has to go to hospital then probaly all the games would time out
thus resulting in undecided conclusions! the nick if high say 1800 and
150 games timedout then the nick would probaly be be say 800-900
by no fault of the player! 800-900 rhp points would not be a true
reflection of the players ability! if the player resumed play here
afterwards! you would have a 800-900 rating playing very high class
chess!! also resigned games are unfinished games. people here
resign games for many reasons! health,family,work
committments..ect.and has perhaps at times no reflection on the
players ability to play chess! high redhotpawn points can be achieved
by selecting your player!! and avoiding others!! this is what makes rhp
points indicators only. this was clearly explained in the former forums.!
my rating is made up of checkmates,timeouts, and resignations. only
the nicks that ive played have a true understanding of my ability and
likewise . most of my losses and checkmates are based on blunders
which we all make. enjoy your games because that is where the true
rhp is not in ratings! ps. the best games of chess ive had here have
been unrated !!! or played in private!!
well taking away the rating seems to relax everyone. there is no
reason to play except for pure enjoyment? it gives each other the
ability to try new openings ect. without any gain to either party! most
enjoyable. some like rated games ,some dont. the "chess" seems to
flow better. on rhp there is a tendency for high ratings not to play low
ratings. this is because of the rating system itself! if a high rating
beats a low rating then the nick receives 1-2 points. if a low rating
beats a high rating then the loss would amount to as much as 40
points in your case! i think the rating system should be abolished! or
1 point per game regardless of points.however the rating system
appeals to many here! games are started by many and the option as
to the type is clearly stated! there are other sites where you can play
and work towards a recognised chess rating! this is a great site to
practise!! your chess. your remark to another player was a little unfair
as your nick invites others to teach you! if all the nicks here were
beginners then "who" would use good openings so as to learn by??
there are good players here who can teach!!! chess. as much asagood
computer programmer can create a chess playing programme but cant
play the game very well. enjoy your chess! p.s. remember it takes
two people to play a game of chess!! rated/unrated is by two parties
consenting and may not reflect the wishes of the other!
You claim that "I don't like this battlefield that the forums has
become", yet here you are starting trouble all over again. If you don't
like being in the battlefield, then why are you waging war. You are a
hypocrite in the true sense of the word. I don't know how old you
are "improvisatore", but you sound like a very young child to me. You
go on about your "superior chess knowledge" like you are some kind
of grandmaster. I for one am not impressed. If you are such a good
player, what are you doing on a site with beginners like me?
Hi Mathew:
Well, i am not trying to start trouble all over again. I didn't mean to
offend you or anything like that. Personally, i don't care about ratings,
and i am by no means a GM, or even anywhere close. The reason i
said what i did, was because i had already beaten that person, but,
they asked if i could show him how to play the sicilian...which i said i
would. The reason i am playing unrated with him, is because we are
just having a laugh, and, if i can show him a few things along the way,
then why not. The reason i am on this site, is because i enjoy being
here...as i am sure you do. When you play people, you get to know
them. If i can help anyone on my travels, then why not?? Is that such
a bad thing?? Hey, if you want ratings that badly, challenge me a
game, and i will resign for you!! I want a quiet life, and i want
happiness to reign!! PEACE!!
Here you go again! You start off the post apologetically as if in
earnest trying to explain your earlier rudeness, but it is clear that that
is but subterfuge to commence another round of insults! "if you want
ratings that badly, challenge me to a game, and i will resign for you".
These are your words here in print! If you want peace and quiet
improvisatore, learn some manners and stop instigating conflict!
Barring that, maybe you should pursue a career in politics! LOL.
Just when it seemed as though peace and tranquility were restored at
RHP we have an earful from someone whose poor chess play is
overshadowed only by his childishness and lack of intellect . Stevens,
it is quite apparent to all who have read your drivel that you are a
person with very "questionable" sanity, and not so questionable
stupidity. Do us all a favor and shut up for once and for all. I am not
interested in giving you more free chess lessons. I have nothing to
prove on this site. To Chris and Russ; instead of shutting down the
forum's, why not just ban those who find it impossible not to start
trouble by insulting and annoying others. Stevens would be a perfect
person to make an example out of.
I am very new to this site but I am aware that these chat forums were
closed down due to the "wars" that were occurring. I don't personally
know any of you people so I don't have any biases or prejudice, but
from what I can see this "xenophobe" player is being ganged up on
by several unruly individuals. I don't know what sort of dialogue there
was before the forums were closed down and don't think it matters. As
the new year is approaching, so should a fresh start occur in these
forums. All I see originating from "xenophobe" is a suggestion as to
the possibility of tournaments being organized and his invitation for
others to contribute their ideas to that effect as well. Then we
have "nickraider" and "stevens" going on the offence in what seems
could only be an attempt at annoying and starting trouble all over
again. In my opinion these two should be kicked out of the site, or at
least have their chat privileges revoked.
ill stand very much corrected!! a private challenge was offered !
thought it was what he wanted !!! a private tournament if you like! i
thought it would keep him busy!! and happy publically defeating
me.ps.i have another player at the moment whom im beginning to
respect after differences of opion. we are enjoying great chess!!!
You are an unbelievable jerk! I saw your remarks. You didn't offer a
private challenge, you offered a public insult! I can't believe the hosts
are putting up with your garbage. I do not know what the history of the
chat forums is and I don't care. What I do know is that you have been
one of the instigators since they reopened. You are a first-class jack-
ass and should be kicked out!