You know you're getting old when.....
You begin to lose interest in discovering and learning; when your capacity for finding joy in simple things becomes diminished; when pettiness, intolerance and hatreds begin replacing generosity, mutual acceptance and forgiveness; when self awareness and self criticism cave to self deception and self justification; when subjectivity displaces objectivity; when you no longer see clearly enough to recognize each new day as an irreplaceable gift; when smiles become useful masks and laughter requires effort. -gb
You know you are getting old when....
You feel the need to answer a thread with a post that started as a few words, but suddenly becomes a verification of life, and a breech of your own confidence, in that it takes maybe four hundred kindred words, as opposed to the first five simplistic words you thought of, in order that it also gets up everybody's nose for additional annoyance and to add to the subterfuge of premier statement. 😉