Originally posted by JS357But with "I've seen pigs all sitting watching picture slides" and "babies dancing in the midnight sun", it could be, not "going back" because of love, but instances of deja vu brought on by the use of lysergic acid diethylamide in the past. Either way the poem/lyric seems to be ~ thinly disguised ~ about numbing oneself from the horrors of the human condition, e.g. "lovers flying through the air hand in hand" referring to the extraordinary number of aircraft disasters already in 2014.
Repetition... Familiarity... When you keep going back, it could BE love.
-Removed-In this life I've seen everything I can see woman
Reference to the scourge of explicit porn.
I've seen babies dancing in the midnight sun
Tipsy teenage girls working in Scandinavian nightclubs.
And I've seen dreams that came from the heavenly skies above
Consumer greed causing acid rain in the 1970s.
I've seen old men crying at their own grave sides
Labour Party managers contemplating losing their contingent of Scots MPs.
She may be the face I can't forget.
Will it cost me? Yeah you bet!!!
I've been burned and I'm back for more.
This thing called love is just a chore.
The bonds that bind are tight and choking.
I sit at the other end of the bar smoking.
I make my move and am shot down in flames.
Why must we play these silly old games?
Love for sale, love for rent.
Surely your time could be better spent.
You look at her and say, " is there something between us?
Which one rules? The head? The heart? Maybe just the penis.
I hear obscure tunes of the anti-establishment ringing in my ears...Let's try this one more time.
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate,
Lo, we shall rise up,
And then we'll make the ()'s eyes water.
Well I think you know what I'm trying to say (woman)
That is I'd like to save you for a rainy day
I've seen enough of the world to know
That I've got to get it all to get it all to grow
It's raining,
It's pouring...
The streets are all wet
It's time to Move.
-Removed-These are the seasons of emotion
Grievers slapping their own heads at fractious monsoon season funerals in dangerous looking countries.
and like the winds they rise and fall
Demented gales annihilating noble trees across leafy decent south east England.
This is the wonder of devotion
909 people found lying on the grass in Jonestown.
I see the torch we all must hold
With those batteries that leak poison into the soil of innocent women and children.
This is the mystery of the quotient
The insidious errors of unaccountable economists.
Upon us all a little rain must fall
The absolutely appalling reality of life in the Atacama Desert.