@very-rusty saidI would play my best game ever, and be victorious.
Try me instead, I might give you a little tougher game! 🙂
27 Mar 21
@very-rusty saidJust looked at that game and it looks like I resigned too early, we must have agreed to split the games, I was up in the other but had some work to do. Pay my sub again and we'll set up a set-piece game from that position to see if you could've closed it out 😉
I beat you once in a clan game back in 2009, and yes you did win the other one. I felt like I had accomplished something just by winning one against you! 😉
@trev33 saidLOL@ Trev, No we never agreed on anything I wouldn't have never have agreed to split a game. I was with the "Silent Majority Clan back then as well as "Metallica Clan", around the end of my time with that Clan & club! You didn't appreciate first time I got you a sub so not doing it again. 😉 Besides I was a piece up on you and I had a winning position.
Just looked at that game and it looks like I resigned too early, we must have agreed to split the games, I was up in the other but had some work to do. Pay my sub again and we'll set up a set-piece game from that position to see if you could've closed it out 😉
27 Mar 21
@very-rusty saidYeah you can take my bishop in a couple of moves, probably a won game, your rating was higher than mine back then though so you really should've been winning both games 😉
LOL@ Trev, No we never agreed on anything I wouldn't have never have agreed to split a game. I was with the "Silent Majority Clan back then as well as "Metallica Clan", around the end of my time with that Clan & club! You didn't appreciate first time I got you a sub so not doing it again. 😉 Besides I was a piece up on you and I had a winning position.