I recently took over a clan and cannot find information on the "kick" and "deselect" selections for clan members in the Clan Member Info page. I can guess that "kick" might be to remove someone from the clan (but this only shows for one player) and that "deselect" might make the member unavailable for clan challenges.
Are my guesses correct? Is there more to these selections?
Thanks for any help.
- AyreH
Originally posted by AyreHIf you de select a player it means he has to make himself available again to play for the clan.He can also deselect himself if he doesn't want any games sending.
I recently took over a clan and cannot find information on the "kick" and "deselect" selections for clan members in the Clan Member Info page. I can guess that "kick" might be to remove someone from the clan (but this only shows for one player) and that "deselect" might make the member unavailable for clan challenges.
Are my guesses correct? Is there more to these selections?
Thanks for any help.
- AyreH
When de -selected the option then appears to kick him out of the clan
The kick option is always there for de- selected players whether they make themselves unavailable themselves or if you as leader de select them
If you press the kick option you get a warning asking you if you really want to kick the player out of your clan.If you answer yes their name appears below the usual list and shows as player leaving clan and remains there until all his/her clan games have been completed.
A player can also voluntarily leave the clan of course.