Yeah, here's what you do.
1. Click on the get PGN/FEN button next to your finished game on this site
2. Select the entire text of the PGN and copy it
3. Then go your chess program and hit 'control V' on an empty board to paste it
4. When you're done analysing, just save it (if you want to) into a database
Is this what you meant?
Go to my games,click 'email my games',you get some options to select,choose the ones you want,click 'send games',open the email,copy&paste all the pgn in 1 textfile,notepad will do,change the extension from .txt to .pgn,set chessbase as your default pgn viewer.You now have a database of your games 🙂
It's not ideal,it's hard(maybe even impossible) to get exactly the games you want,and I think it's limited to 100 games,but it's better than having to paste 180 games.
Looking for some help with Chessbase again.
I've added 136 games to my chessbase light database.. and the help files say it can store 8000 games.. yet.. I'm at 99%.. and it won't let me add anymore games??? its not a hard drive space issue.. is there something I'm not following here? Am I supposed to do something ? How do I allow it to reach up to 8000 games?
Originally posted by MIODudeI think it means an overall total of 8000 games.Not 8000 in each database you might create.So,for instance,you can have a database containing 2000 of your games + a base with 4000 GM games + a base with 2000 computergames = 8000,and after that it won't store any more games.
Looking for some help with Chessbase again.
I've added 136 games to my chessbase light database.. and the help files say it can store 8000 games.. yet.. I'm at 99%.. and it won't let me add anymore games??? its not a hard drive space issue.. is there something I'm not following here? Am I supposed to do something ? How do I allow it to reach up to 8000 games?
But I'm not familiar with CB light,I'm just guessing this could be the problem.
I'm thinking thats what they probably mean. which.. is kind of useless.. I don't want to separate them all.. I could put all my games as white, and all my games as black I guess.. but.. that would be the only way I'd want to separate them.. if I try to do it based on opening or something., it defeats the purpose of what the DB is supposed to do fo rme.
Originally posted by MIODudeNo,no,that's not what I meant.I think you should be able to put 8000 games in 1 database,if you choose to do so,not have to make separate databases.But you cannot make 2 databases of 8000 games,if you know what I mean.
I'm thinking thats what they probably mean. which.. is kind of useless.. I don't want to separate them all.. I could put all my games as white, and all my games as black I guess.. but.. that would be the only way I'd want to separate them.. if I try to do it based on opening or something., it defeats the purpose of what the DB is supposed to do fo rme.
If it doesn't store over 136 games,there must be something wrong.Have you tried re-installing it?
ok.. this program is pulling info from somewhere..
first off.. there is no uninstall.. nothing even in control panel, so I had to manually delete.
After I manually deleted, I reinstalled.. and have the same problem. I have moved all the DB's out to a separate spot prior to reinstall.. and when I create a new db, it won't let me add anymore games.
I then downloaded the sample db.. it has over 2000 games in it.. and I can't add to that one.. The help files are useless.. there are no websites that offer help of any kind.. Right on the bottom status bar it says 99%.. but.. no where does it say what that is measuring??? I know its only free., but.. who would register something that the freebie isn't even working?
Originally posted by MIODudeUse chesspad.
ok.. this program is pulling info from somewhere..
first off.. there is no uninstall.. nothing even in control panel, so I had to manually delete.
After I manually deleted, I reinstalled.. and have the same problem. I have moved all the DB's out to a separate spot prior to reinstall.. and when I create a new db, it won't let me add anymore games.
I th ...[text shortened]... know its only free., but.. who would register something that the freebie isn't even working?
OK.. stupidity has won the better of me...!!!
well.. chesspad was neat how you can import so many games at once.. I like the interface on chessbase light; however, in using chesspad, I was able to find out what my problem with chessbase light.. The last few games I've been trying to import are the Hypermodern New York tournament games.. which incidently.. has illegal moves in them in the beginning.. I had tried adding multiple games, but they were all the same tournament... that 99% at the bottom I have no clue what it means, but I can now add more games to chessbase light.. ..I just have to fix the pgn's of the Hypermodern games.