If you don't log out doesn't your account stay 'active' (for lack of a better word) and you use up unecessary bandwidth?
I know I've just shut down my computer at work without logging off from the site and when I get home RHP comes right up and I'm still logged in.
I could be talking out of my whaddyacallit too. 🙄
Originally posted by Frank BurnsFunny. I was thinking the same thing about yours 😀
Jesus Ragnorak! Where did you get that hideous avatar?! I dare anyone to drag it up to their address bar for a proper look. 😛
I don't think you stay active on the site if you don't log off. I never log off. Even on public computers that I use frequently. I've found that I'm pretty much the only person around that would ever think of going to a correspondence chess site. I'm probably logged in on 10-15 different computers right now.
Originally posted by FabianFnasI used to get automatically logged out on one computer when playing on a different one, until I found the option "Enable multiple browsers to be logged into the same account" (in "My Site Settings" ). Now I usually don't log out or in anymore. It also works with the different sites (RHP, TFC etc.) on the same computer.
So, you never log out och therefore you never have to log in again?
(I like the "och" in your post. 😉 )
Originally posted by Frank BurnsYou are talking utter nonsense. Just being logged in will not use bandwidth in the slightest. Where is the site sending something if your computer is off or disconnected or doesn't have the right port open?
If you don't log out doesn't your account stay 'active' (for lack of a better word) and you use up unecessary bandwidth?
I know I've just shut down my computer at work without logging off from the site and when I get home RHP comes right up and I'm still logged in.
I could be talking out of my whaddyacallit too. 🙄
Sorry my 'och'. Now I have an influenza and my foreign language skills had obviously got a turn. Does ‘och’ mean anything to other then Swedish speaking people?
(I like the "och" in your post. 😉 )
Two questions:
(1) Doesn’t even RHP staff disagree that I never logout again?
(2) Should I be surprised if I some day find all my games resigned and naughty messages sent to all my combatants if I not log out from the public computer at the library?
Do anyone find any language errors in this posting? If so, I go straight to bed again. 😵