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Non-subscribers and Forums

Non-subscribers and Forums


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On another site I used to use, non-subscribers were limitted to a certain number (10, I think) of forum posts per day.
Any views on whether this would be appropriate here?

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Call me tough, but I think the forums would be best reserved solely for subscribers.

£12 a year isn't exactly a lot.

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i agree. not trying to take away from the good posts that nonsubscribers put up, but there are always those people that join up, flame, and leave just as quick as they came.

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there are always those people that join up, flame, and leave just as quick as they came.[/b]
You've definitely got that right.πŸ˜€


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Hey, hey, hey, it is not a big deal shesh it is just a subscription so it doesn't matter!

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By the way we don't have to become a subscriber!

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I think non-subscribers should have a way to express themselves, but the danger is the occasional person who joins, floods a forum (or forums) and then disappears. It's annoying, it wastes bandwidth, and it is preventable. Few people, subscribers included, have a need to post more than ten times, so I think it is a fair idea.


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heh-i think that it is "nice" to let non-subscribers talk in the forums (don't worry i am going to subscribe also here pretty soon) πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€πŸ˜

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Originally posted by knapster
heh-i think that it is "nice" to let non-subscribers talk in the forums (don't worry i am going to subscribe also here pretty soon) πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€πŸ˜
Yeah like give us a break we already can't join tournaments, clan games, and siges we can't even host a picture for our profile and now you guys don't want us in the forums that's crazy!

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Originally posted by metal man
Yeah like give us a break we already can't join tournaments, clan games, and siges we can't even host a picture for our profile and now you guys don't want us in the forums that's crazy!
I don't think anyone is advocating not allowing non-subscribers to post entirely, just to limit to say 10 a day. How many people, subscribers or otherwise, have a _need_ to post more than 10 a day? Russ and Chrismo. That's it. However, from time to time, there have been trouble makers, and I favor limiting that practice. The point was that there are sites that don't allow posting by non-subscribers, a practice which I understand, although don't agree with. But then again, I don't own a site and pay for its bandwidth.


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Originally posted by martin williams
Call me tough, but I think the forums would be best reserved solely for subscribers.

£12 a year isn't exactly a lot.
I have generally posted in the "Debates" Forum, and thoroughly enjoyed the interaction. πŸ˜€ 😡 πŸ˜€ I only came across this comment by accident whilst browsing the Recs.

A comment such as this, if it is generally held, must certainly be respected, (especially if it is worth 2 Recs by the bosses.)

I have seriously considered membership many times(and may yet do so!). However, just to put the money matters into perspective, $20 may buy a hamburger and Coke in the US and UK, but it certainly does not do so in SA. With the current exchange rate, $1 buys R7 to R8, whilst the cost of goods in Rands and Dollars is about the same (i.e. a hamburger and Coke in SA also costs about R20!) This means that RHP membership for SA is about seven to eight times more than in the US or UK.

Another snippet: when I was working in the US in 1982, one Rand bought a dollar and a quarter! How things have changed!:'(:'(

Nevertheless, Martin (and others) certainly have a point. No members, no money, no site. Therefore, as a second class citizen, I will be thankful that I am allowed to play six concurrent games for free and will henceforth curtail my postings voluntarily, out of respect for paid-up members.

Until I can reprioritize my budget 😳😳

in peace


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Originally posted by CalJust
I have generally posted in the "Debates" Forum, and thoroughly enjoyed the interaction. πŸ˜€ 😡 πŸ˜€ I only came across this comment by accident whilst browsing the Recs.

A comment such as this, if it is generally held, must certainly be respected, (especially if it is worth 2 Recs by the bosses.)

I have seriously considered membership many times(and may ...[text shortened]... out of respect for paid-up members.

Until I can reprioritize my budget 😳😳

in peace

Perhaps Russ can do a special Rand rate that works out as the equivalent dollar / sterling price. This does seem unfair if it is prevetning you from signing up to the site.

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Originally posted by metal man
Hey, hey, hey, it is not a big deal shesh it is just a subscription so it doesn't matter!
Go tell it to Russ..............how do you think he pay(and I guess he put something by his pocket) the fun he gives to us?

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Originally posted by CalJust
Therefore, as a second class citizen, I will henceforth curtail my postings voluntarily, out of respect for paid-up members.
Please don't do this. The forums are available to anyone, and we would never consider making posting rights a subscriber only privilege. For many, the forums are their first introduction into the RHP community, so it would be very foolish to exclude new comers.

Just so everyone knows, all new users who post to the forums do have their first few posts alerted for moderation. This does create a large work load for the tireless moderators, but it means inappropriate Spam posts can be removed quite quickly no matter where they are posted.


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Originally posted by Russ
Please don't do this. For many, the forums are their first introduction into the RHP community, so it would be very foolish to exclude new comers.

Just so everyone knows, all new users who post to the forums do have their first few posts alerted for moderation. This does create a large work load for the tireless moderators, but it means inappropriate Spam posts can be removed quite quickly no matter where they are posted.

Thanks, Russ, I really do appreciate this.

Yes, as I said before, RHP has been a wonderfully refreshing addition to my life. I have met some wonderful - and some very "interesting" πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ people!

However, I would support a limitation for non-members. 10 postings per day is not really, IMHO, a limitation - that is still excessive! Even 10 per week would be appreciated.

Again, thanks for enriching my life! πŸ˜€


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