Originally posted by RussOccasionally, the forums don't respond very quickly and sometimes not at all, but it doesn't seem to take long before everything is back to normal.
Is anyone else experiencing a slow site? It is time for a tune up anyway, but we would be interested in your opinion.
I've never, in almost 2 years had any problems playing my games.
The longest I have ever had to "wait" is less than 20 seconds and it's usually a lot faster.
I use Firefox or Google Chrome on a desktop PC
My I.S.P. is Virgin Media(UK)with an "advertised" 10mb broadband speed.
I gave up after four minutes waiting for the 'private forum' list to appear, I then tried to come over here to 'help' and I gave up after 2mins, it happens a lot so I thought I'd actually time it as it seems a common problem...I usually I hit 'my games' when there are these long forum pauses and it's instant access there...it's never anything other than the forum that I have these long pauses. I thought I'd leave the browser waiting to get in here and it took over 5mins but under 6...with no other tabs open and no other programs running on the computer. It makes no difference which browser I use, not that I can detect.