This is getting pathetic and out of control. I noticed in one of the newer threads about recs, a person created a post. The post only contained ONE character...and that was:
That's right! You heard me correctly! The only substance that post had was a question mark! That isn't even substance! Yet the person gets rec'd multiple times for it!!!
Do you remember when we had the post war? RHP was keeping track of how many posts everyone made, so everyone was just posting so they could get higher up the on the list.
The forums were becoming sick. It was just one big monster. I am noticing the beginning stages of that with the recs. I don't know how long this system has been going on because of my absence from this site. All that I DO know is that it must do the same thing the Post counting did...and disappear.
Yeah, I just said it. You heard me 😀 I vote that recs are done away with. The forums are only going to get worse.
I mean, I know it starts out as don't even bring up that side of the issue. It's fun..and then it's an obsession...and then *poof* It's gone. I think we should just skip straight to the finally step 🙂
Anyone agree? Disagree?
Originally posted by zach918Perhaps we should allow -recs, these would subtract from normal recs and a person's total recs could go negative. As with normal recs, no person could give two -recs to the same post, but one person could give a +rec and a -rec to the same post, if they wanted to rescind their first reaction to the post.
If recs DO stay around, here is the way the system should work:
Maybe the person's name that recs a post can be listed off to the side of each post that is rec'd. What do ya'll think? This way people are held responsible. This might eliminate people rec-ing meaningless posts...Who knows.
Another idea - give each user a rec quota = perhaps 5 a month? This means people would have to spend them wiselt.
Originally posted by iamatigerI like the -rec thing. But I don't like the limit idea. I mean, if I see some really good debate topiccs and want to rec a few, I want the ability to do that. But then, if Prad posts something cool later in the month, I want to be able to rec him too. Soooo, I kinda have to disagree with your later idea.
Perhaps we should allow -recs, these would subtract from normal recs and a person's total recs could go negative. As with normal recs, no person could give two -recs to the same post, but one person could give a +rec and a -rec to the same post, if they wanted to rescind their first reaction to the post.
Another idea - give each user a rec quota = perhaps 5 a month? This means people would have to spend them wiselt.
Originally posted by zach918Ok.. The kind of idea was to give people an incentive to spend their recs wisely. But that is a good point, perhaps if people recs had less weight the more recs they did...
I like the -rec thing. But I don't like the limit idea. I mean, if I see some really good debate topiccs and want to rec a few, I want the ability to do that. But then, if Prad posts something cool later in the month, I want to be able to rec him too. Soooo, I kinda have to disagree with your later idea.
Or combine my two ideas - you have 5 recs a month to spend, you can remove your own rec from a post, and if it was rec'd within the last month then you get the rec back to recommend someone elses post.
Originally posted by iamatigerI like the idea of limited number of recs, if you could only give
Ok.. The kind of idea was to give people an incentive to spend their recs wisely. But that is a good point, perhaps if people recs had less weight the more recs they did...
Or combine my two ideas - you have 5 recs a month to spend, you can remove your own rec from a post, and if it was rec'd within the last month then you get the rec back to recommend someone elses post.
out a limited number, than you will make sure those are given
for worthy posts. Instead of simply someone you may agree with
every now and then.
Originally posted by iamatigerGrrrrrrrrrrreat idea!
Ok.. The kind of idea was to give people an incentive to spend their recs wisely. But that is a good point, perhaps if people recs had less weight the more recs they did...
Or combine my two ideas - you have 5 recs a month to spend, you can remove your own rec from a post, and if it was rec'd within the last month then you get the rec back to recommend someone elses post.
You can un-rec one post in order to rec another 😀
Another rec. type of flag should be added, those for our games.
We could have a favorite game flag that only one of the players
can place on a game. We could also have a flag or a rating
for games played. This would be good in tournaments where
the people in it could rate games and maybe nominate the
best or worse played games. The field if interested could vote
on the ones they liked the best. We should be able to search
for these games too, the flags we place on our own games
my not be a favorite but one we would like to study, so our
own flags we may want to add and subtract once we glean
all we want from that particular game.
The only thing that I dislike about recs is when a thread creator gives a rec to every single post that other people put in the thread. Spotted this last night in a thread, where every single post had 1 single rec, apart from the creator of the thread's posts.
I think naming and shaming people is a good move. If you're browsing through the forums and u see 1 person reccing every single post, then you're not going to take his/her recs seriously from then on in.
I don't think recs should be an issue for Russ/Chris at the moment though, as I think they probably have work to do which will affect our experience of the website more than spending hours devising a genius new rec system, as nice as that may be.