I tried to find a quick and easy way to find information on subscriptions, but haven't found anything. I recently received a charge for a gaming service I didn't recognize, so I had to cancel the payment, get a new debit card, and endure several phone calls. Now I've concluded that it was perhaps a recurring annual charge for my subscription to RHP. So, now I have to start over. It seems to me that a link to subscriptions and the price levels would be helpful. Thanks.
Ed (Frijole)
Thanks . . . . I knew I had seen the pricing somewhere. Still . . . it seems that a clearly marked link to the subscription pricing would be beneficial. Expecting most people to know to click on the star seems a bit of a stretch. I've been on this site for a long time, and despite searching up and down for a pricing schedule I could not find one. So, my suggestion still stands . . . there should be a direct link labeled "Subscriptions", perhaps at the top of the screen amongst the other links.
@Frijole saidIf you click your personal icon, then MySubscriptions, it shows every subscription you've ever paid for. Active ones have the star highlighted and the message "send feedback to cancel".
Thank you. I tried that, but it only tells me that I'm a subscriber, not what the prices are for the different levels, nor which level I am currently at.
@Kewpie saidOr just scroll down to the bottom with the page with all the other links and it's there.
If you click your personal icon, then MySubscriptions, it shows every subscription you've ever paid for. Active ones have the star highlighted and the message "send feedback to cancel".
@Frijole saidNot on mine either
Well, it may be on other's computers, but it's not on mine.
@A-Unique-Nickname saidThat is probably the easiest, bottom of this page or most pages have it marked
Or just scroll down to the bottom with the page with all the other links and it's there.
My Subscriptions.
Thanks VR . . and everyone else who has offered a reply. Yes . . . I see the link for "My Subscriptions" . . . but the problem is that the link doesn't provide any information other than I'm a paid subscriber. What I think needs to be there is detail about the costs of the subscriptions and alternate subscription prices.