Use the Mouth to Live Christ

Use the Mouth to Live Christ


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03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18

If you want to live the Christian life successfully and victoriously, you better get use to using your mouth.

If you desire to live in oneness with the living and available Lord Jesus, you better get accustom to using your MOUTH !

14 Mar 15
09 Feb 18

Originally posted by @sonship
If you want to live the Christian life successfully and victoriously, you better get use to using your [b]mouth.

If you desire to live in oneness with the living and available Lord Jesus, you better get accustom to using your MOUTH ![/b]
Is it better to say something or do something?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18
2 edits

The Psalmist proclaimed that he loved God ... he LOVED God ... why ? He loved God because God heard his VOICE.

" I love Jehovah because He hears My voice, my supplications,

Because He inclines His ear to me. Therefore I will call upon Him all my days." (Psalm 116:1)

This is my personal testimony also. I was surprised, delighted, and even greatly intrigued to find that God hears my voice. God inclines His ear to my speaking.

If you can speak, thank God and use the mouth to contact God. And don't be afraid.

(We'll see how long it takes some naysayer to bring up saying"Lord, Lord" and not entering into the kingdom of God.)

This thread, from my perspective, includes calling "Lord, Lord" and ENTERING into the kingdom of God both now and in the future too. It includes using the mouth to proclaim, say, praise other things too.

16 Feb 08
09 Feb 18

Are you in “teach” mode sonship, or are you going to engage in discussion?

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03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Is it better to say something or do something?
First comment:

Is it better to say something or do something ?

Saying something IS doing something.
Saying something will lead, will lead, will lead the way to doing in oneness with the Lord.

Back to Psalm 116:1.

"I love Jehovah because He HEARS MY VOICE, my supplication, Because He inclines His ear to me; Therefore I will call upon Him all my days."

Like Peter the leading disciples, Ghost-of-a-Duke is eager to get up and start DOING for God. The first thing here this saint DID was get rescued from going under. He DID the overcoming of that which was about to swallow him up.

Be that temptation.
Be that just living the old life of the self.
Be that any number of maladies plaguing him, he first did the being saved from it by God to whom he called.

"The bonds of death encompassed me.
And the distress of Sheol fell upon me.
I fell into trouble and sorrow." (v.3)

Ring any bells?
What's next?

"But I called upon the name of Jehovah, O Jehovah, I pray, deliver my soul.

Jehovah is gracious and righteous, Indeed God is compassionate. Jehovah preserves the simple.

I was brought low, an He saved me." (vs.4-6)

Someone will say " Oh, that is not doing something good."
Yes it is. That is beginning to depend upon the living God.

David learned to speak out to God in order to live in oneness with God and to be "a man after God's own heart."

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03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18

Most of us have ample trouble and sorrow and distress like David here. The beginning of doing toward God is being saved by God from living without Him.

"For You have delivered my soul from death, My eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling,

I will WALK before Jehovah in the land of the living.

I believed, therefore I SPOKE vs 8-10a)

We should learn to SPEAK to God in order to be saved from living without God. We should learn to use the mouth to proclaim God in our experience to WALK before God uprightly.

David believed and SPOKE.
He believed and acted by calling on the name of the Lord with his mouth. He says he will continue to lift the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord with his mouth all his days.

"What shall I return to Jehovah for all His benefits toward me?

I will take up the cup of salvation and CALL UPON THE NAME OF JEHOVAH.

I will pay my vows to Jehovah, Oh, in the presence of all His people." (vs. 12-14)

Salvation is like drinking from a cup. And the mouth calling, speaking, thanking, praising the Lord Jesus is daily and even moment by moment DRINKING in the saving God.

16 Feb 08
09 Feb 18

I’m guessing you are “teach” mode going by the increasing rate of spam-dumps.

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03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Are you in “teach” mode sonship, or are you going to engage in discussion?
Have you ever gone somewhere where you can raise your voice without bringing undue attention to yourself and simply poured your heart out to God?

Have you ever even whispered with your mouth to fully open up your heart to God, honestly telling God how you feel ?

16 Feb 08
09 Feb 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Have you ever gone somewhere where you can raise your voice without bringing undue attention to yourself and simply poured your heart out to God?

Have you ever even whispered with your mouth to fully open up your heart to God, honestly telling God how you feel ?
What on Earth are you on about?

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03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Is it better to say something or do something?
To DO in oneness with God you must learn to OPEN and let God in.

To do the proper DOING you have to open and let first God DO within you.

God told the Israelites to open their mouth WIDE .. so that He could fill it. It is not a small thing.

discuss, discuss, discuss. Look at Psalm 81:10.

" I am Jehovah your God, Who brought you up our of the land of Egypt;

Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."

It is true today.
It is true today.

Open your mouth wide - 'O Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, Fill me Lord. Fill me O God. O Lord in the midst of this temptation, FILL ME. I OPEN to You Lord. O Lord Praise You Lord."

Open your mouth wide and your heart wide and Jesus Christ will fill you with His Spirit.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @divegeester
What on Earth are you on about?
We need to open the heart to God.
We need to also open the mouth to call upon the Lord Jesus.

To live by the Spirit of God you have to learn to swim upstream against the entire current of this world. The mouth is needed to contact the living God.

In the early days of mankind, in the fourth generation, as men found themselves farther and farther away from the presence of God, men began to CALL upon the name of the Lord.

" And to Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time men began to call upon the name of Jehovah." (Genesis 4:26)

Men and women began to use their MOUTH to call upon God. As we feel the world sliding and drifting away from God we too, some of us, need to realize we are frail and mortal ("Enosh" ) ... and CALL upon the name of the Lord Jesus.

Use the mouth to live Christ.

16 Feb 08
09 Feb 18

Originally posted by @sonship
To DO in oneness with God you must learn to OPEN and let God in.

To do the proper DOING you have to open and let first God DO within you.

God told the Israelites to open their mouth WIDE .. so that He could fill it. It is not a small thing.

discuss, discuss, discuss. Look at [b]Psalm 81:10

[quote] " I am Jehovah your God, Who brough ...[text shortened]...

Open your mouth wide and your heart wide and Jesus Christ will fill you with His Spirit.[/b]
Are you ok?
Serious question.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
09 Feb 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
What on Earth are you on about?
I am discussing the benefit of opening the whole being to God and using the mouth to contact the living God.

What on earth are you talking about?

16 Feb 08
09 Feb 18

Originally posted by @sonship
I am discussing the benefit of opening the whole being to God and using the mouth to contact the living God.

What on earth are you talking about?
You seem to me to be spouting post after post of pseudo-spiritual waffle, if I’m completely honest.

16 Feb 08
09 Feb 18

You could have said:

Be filled with the spirit of Christ (provide a scripture)

Then said

And praise him for what he’s done for you.

That would pretty much cover your 6 pages of convoluted html coded hyperbole.