Hi venda,
That is interesting. Maybe set up a non-rated game with a chum of yours.
Set up a mate in one, get the person being mated next move to offer a draw.
Accept the draw but play the move that checkmates your opponent.
I wonder what will happen. Give the mate or allow the draw.
It could crash the system. even bring down the entire internet....do it!
"...It could crash the system..."
GP use to be such a nice helpful chap. Now he has turned violent anarchist.
@greenpawn34 saidWow Geoff, I said a slight anomaly ,not a world changing crisis.
Hi venda,
That is interesting. Maybe set up a non-rated game with a chum of yours.
Set up a mate in one, get the person being mated next move to offer a draw.
Accept the draw but play the move that checkmates your opponent.
I wonder what will happen. Give the mate or allow the draw.
It could crash the system. even bring down the entire internet....do it!
F.Y.I ,I have no world dominating intentions!!
What might be of more interest ,especially to you is a CHESSBOOK I was bought for xmas
It's "The moves that matter" by Jonathan Rowson the grandmaster.
Thing is , it's not a normal chess book with endless games and diagrams but more like a book on philosophy.
Might be good for your collection , although I can't see it being in any second hand shops for a while.It was published in 2019
"... "The moves that matter" by Jonathan Rowson..."
This! I have Rowson's 'Chess For Zebras' and 'The Seven Deadly Chess Sins'. Both are excellent treatments of the game of chess on the board, but also in the mind.
Hi venda,
Actually saw it in a second hand shop about 6-7 weeks ago.
I'm pretty sure there is an book reviewer in Edinburgh who is on the mailing list.
Maybe he has moved and the books keep arriving because I've often seen books
just out appearing in the same shop. the owner gives me a call when new donations arrive.
I've asked him where the new one comes from and all I get is just get a smile.
I did not get it (£4.00) - did not fancy it at all.
Told them to put it up to £8.00 and stick it in the window. It's gone.
Bought instead yet another copy (2) of the Mammoth Book on chess. (£1.00 each)
An excellent book to start from, full of good stuff even for middle of the road players.
I pass it onto kids and friends with a clear conscience. No harm done.
Also bought on that trip some CD's. Including a bluebeat/ska (early reggae) CD
with the original 60's stuff on it by the Prince Buster and the All Stars.
Fantastic. Still playing it. (and a pile of Sci-fi books. I love my Sci-fi.)
Zebras is an excellent book, I curse Rowson for not writing it in the 70's.
(being born in 1977 is not an excuse). Not too keen on Deadly Sins.
There was a lot of speech in that book. Quite a lot, too much I thought.
(cannot say if it's good or bad, got through 20-25 pages, closed it.)
I like chess books with lots of games, genuine notes and no long chit/chat.
Also no computer vomit, that is why if given a choice I'll always take a book
pre-2000 but I now have all the good ones (and some awful ones.)
I think you should set up the game and play the mate whilst accepting the draw.
The system will not know what to do and branch out onto the net to find the answer.
It will eventually hit the banks, empty them and transfer all the money in the
world back to your Red Hot Pawn account.
It will appear in the shape of your rating which will be 68,843,543,232,123,465 and 20p,
@greenpawn34 saidAccepting the draw ends the game. The message comes up but the game has already ended.
Hi venda,
That is interesting. Maybe set up a non-rated game with a chum of yours.
Set up a mate in one, get the person being mated next move to offer a draw.
Accept the draw but play the move that checkmates your opponent.
I wonder what will happen. Give the mate or allow the draw.
It could crash the system. even bring down the entire internet....do it!
It reminds me of an incident a few people had gathered at the last few moves of an OTB game I was playing.
My opponent resigned by putting his handout to shake.
Afterwards I was told by an onlooker if my opponent had said "draw?" as our hands met the handshake would be acceptance of the draw.
So I was told someone resigning should stop the clocks.
@jb70 saidI've seen stopping the clocks. Another OTB resign move is to topple the king. This has the advantage (to the winner) of having a touched king that must be moved if the resign, for some reason, doesn't go through. I used to pick the king up and lay it on its side, rather than knock it over. No mixed messages. Then, offer my hand, smile and say "Good game." Go out with class.
Accepting the draw ends the game. The message comes up but the game has already ended.
It reminds me of an incident a few people had gathered at the last few moves of an OTB game I was playing.
My opponent resigned by putting his handout to shake.
Afterwards I was told by an onlooker if my opponent had said "draw?" as our hands met the handshake would be acceptance of the draw.
So I was told someone resigning should stop the clocks.
I touched my King, wobbled it a bit and stopped clocks.
If the opponent had on a nice combo to mate I'd let it happen adding
something like. 'That is good, let us play it out.' and get checkmated.
Often see those without much OTB experience howling with disbelief when
they see a master being mated and even call it bad sportsmanship, sore loser etc.
It is quite the reverse: Donald Byrne after been checkmate in the 'Game of the Century.'
"First of all, you have to remember that in 1956 no one knew that Bobby Fischer
was going to become Bobby Fischer! He was just a very promising 13-year-old
kid who played a great game against me. When it got to the position where I was lost,
I asked some of the other competitors if it might be a nice thing to let the kid mate me, as
a kind of tribute to the fine game he played. They said, ‘Sure, why not?’ and so I did"
See Blog Post 384
@greenpawn34 saidI'm game. Set it up, challenge me. If the system crashes, you owe me a sub refund. Deal?
Hi venda,
That is interesting. Maybe set up a non-rated game with a chum of yours.
Set up a mate in one, get the person being mated next move to offer a draw.
Accept the draw but play the move that checkmates your opponent.
I wonder what will happen. Give the mate or allow the draw.
It could crash the system. even bring down the entire internet....do it!