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An over-rated chess book

An over-rated chess book

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Everybody waited for Najdorf's book on Zurich 1953,up to now only available in a Spanish edition. Claims that it was superior to Bronstein's book. Well,it came out in English-what a load of over-hyped tripe. Numerous moves missing or out of sequence,and Najdorf's notes are no wheres near as comphrensive as Bronsteins.

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I would tend to agree. But Bronstein's work is such a classic it would be difficult to top it by anyone.

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Part of an article I wrote in 2006 on Bronstein.

In 1992 I had over five hundred chess books, but I decided to sell them all bar ten.

The Chess Struggle in Practice (Zurich 1953) was one I kept and it really
is a magnificent chess book.

But did Bronstein write it? No, well not all of it.

In an interview with Antonio Gude in 1993, Bronstein states:

"Most of the nice words and elegant expressions in the book overall are the work
of Vainstein, who writes very well… Of course the analysis and technical concepts
are mine, as are the views on my rivals, but it may be said that a large part of the
text is by Vainstein. Also, it is a book for which I do not have a particular affection
because it reminds me of a tournament that was very special in a negative sense.
Things happened there that I should like to forget… We shall discuss that another
time. I do not wish to be more specific for the moment."

Vainstein actually writes a short essay in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice dated 1984.

He refers to the Chess Struggle, calling it Bronstein’s book, and never hinting at all
that he co-wrote it.

Vainstein is possibly hedging his bets. The reason why his name never appeared
on the original title was because he had fallen foul of the authorities and was
persona non grata.

As for the Bronstein interview and his statement:

‘Things happened there that I should like to forget.’

This most likely refers to Bronstein’s claim that officials had pressured him and
other Soviet grandmasters in the closing rounds to draw quickly with Smyslov,
whilst playing hard against the American Samuel Reshevsky.

John Donaldson gives the Najdorf book a good review here.


Is it the same book or has another publisher got it.
In such cases you must pity the author and look to the tranlator
and the publishing company.

If it is the same book then I am swayed by sundown's and Desmond's review
as it comes from lads who have actually bought and read the book and not
been given a freebie to review.

In such cases the reviewer does not want to slay the goose that lays the golden
eggs and give a bad review. (his freebies will dry up.)

I have heard good reports about Najdorf's original books in Spanish
(it was in two volumes....have the publishers butchered it to to make it one book?)
but as I cannot read Spanish.
(despite having co-written a book that was translated into Spanish.) 🙂
I have never chased it down.

What other 9 books did I keep.
Two informators from when I was really super keen. There are 600+ games
in each one and I have notes all over them spotting missed shots, etc...etc..
(they were also Christmas and Birthday presents from my late Mum....you can't sell those.)

The Two Knights Defence by Estrin, 200 minatures by Du Mont.
Tartakowers 500 (two books), Fischers 60, a handful of books on opening traps.
I kept about 20 in all.

Now the collection is up way past the 400 mark again.
90% of them 2nd hand and unread 🙁

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Greenpawn, is the Estrin book so good? I can buy his book on the italian opening and his book on the two knights for 5 euro each, in german. Will they improve my chess if i read them? Will i read them? I have circa 20 chessbooks all of them unread except art of checkmate, which i read the first part of (legal mate as in your most recent blog).

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I've always been very fond of the Estrin books. Had a blue hard back copy of the 2 knights in descriptive notation as one of my first books (by Chess Sutton Coalfield I think) which I gave to a friend 20 years ago when I bought the updated Batsford algebraic version.

Most of the notes are relevant today but check with the latest databases eg the version of the Fritz that I play with Qh4 is bust if you play it on here (ok in book) with someone who is using a modern opening book but I'm still happy to play it over the board

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Well that's three people recommending them, so i'm gonna order them! Thanks for the info. I don't think i have to worry about some lines not standing up against modern appraisal at my level anyway, more important is that a book is fun to read for me.

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