Originally posted by plopzillaI'm sure someone can go into 'good detail' about the rate requirements, but don't forget also that certain international tournaments award titles through performances...hence you can find players with literally any rate being awarded the appropriately deemed title:
Am I right in thinking you "only" have to hit a TPR or Live rating of 2300 in a FIDE rated tournament to get an FM title? This would explain why there are some players around 2100 who are FMs yet have never been FIDE 2300.
You need a published grade of over 2300 ELO to get a FM title NOT a one tournament performance of 2300.
There are some rules which apply to IM titles where you can freeze your grade mid tournament. If this rule did not exist there is a danger of players dropping out of a tournament once they hit the required grade (3 Norms are also required for an IM title)
Originally posted by RevRSleekerI think that is correct that if one wins certain international tournaments you can gain the FM title without an established rating of 2300. Case in point (the World Youth Championships I believe) has awarded the FM title to players with ratings even in the 2000's. Of course with an expert rating at age 8 they most likely will become a GM if they keep at the game.
I'm sure someone can go into 'good detail' about the rate requirements, but don't forget also that certain international tournaments award titles through performances...hence you can find players with literally any rate being awarded the appropriately deemed title: