Put your favorite chess book here!
I really like Simple Chess by 'Micheal Stean'. It's not very big but it's got a great way of explaining chess strategies.
Reuben's Fine 'The art of the middlegame' is great too but i think it's a little outdated.
Silman's 'The amateur's mind' is pretty good for a club player, and it does a great job at correcting erroneous thought processes.
What about you guys?
Some of my top picks:
Pandolfini's Weapons of Chess
All the Yasser Seirwan books
Logical Chess Mive by Move
All the Jeremy Silman books
Tal-Botnnivik 1960 *****
The Search for Chess Perfection, Purdy ***** -just got this, and it's really good!
For openings, I really like the "Starting Out" series. Just enough detail to get you playing an opening without trying to memorize tons of theory
Heres a nice article of how to go from 1200 rating to master