Hello's to all from broiling arizona.
I havent found a full discussion on the above ( http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=17705 )
But the rudeness of just resigning w/o a chat discussion w/ your opponent is just so rude & self centered. I think there should be a site list of players who resign w/o notice. & whats wrong w/ a friendly hello & goodbye (chat) for such an effort & a classy game? 🙂
I usually say 'Good Luck' and have a wee chat at the end of the game.
However you must remember there are a fair number of players on here
who will not have English as their first language.
In one case after 3 PM's my opponent eventually replied via a friend of his
that he never understood anything I was saying.
I used to in the early days send each player a thank you if I used their
game in a blog.
This was a practice I soon dropped after getting a couple of, shall I say, 'unhealthy' replies.
Some guys just don't want to chat.
I send a message during the game if I think it can put my opponent off or lure him into a trap.
"My last move was a mistake, sorry, after you have taken the Knight
(which I want them to do) send an offer of a draw, I will accept."
Of course they offer a draw, (mugs) I don't accept the draw and show
them the trap they have fallen into.
They swear, curse me, damn me, threaten me....
And after I have put the trap in the blog they send letter bombs to my house.
Originally posted by elassasinoI don't chat with most of my opponents.
Hello's to all from broiling arizona.
I havent found a full discussion on the above ( http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=17705 )
But the rudeness of just resigning w/o a chat discussion w/ your opponent is just so rude & self centered. I think there should be a site list of players who resign w/o notice. & whats wrong w/ a friendly hello & goodbye (chat) for such an effort & a classy game? 🙂
Most of them don't chat with me.
I find none of this 'rude' or 'self-centered'.
Therefore, it would be more practical to have a list of 'social' players, since that list is much smaller, and therefore easier to maintain.
Originally posted by BigDoggProblemSame with me. I actually find chatting in a game a minor pain. Greetings are fine, but if people are chatting with me I find I have to think about what to say, and so I spend whatever time I spend on my move plus and extra five or ten minutes trying to work out what to say to someone I've never met and am not likely to. Besides I use conditional moves and that rules out the possibility of chatting.
I don't chat with most of my opponents.
Most of them don't chat with me.
I find none of this 'rude' or 'self-centered'.
Therefore, it would be more practical to have a list of 'social' players, since that list is much smaller, and therefore easier to maintain.
As far as I am concerned good etiquette largely concerns not drawing a game out unnecessarily. I'm not talking about people who play on to checkmate every time as long as they move promptly that's not a problem. I'm more on about people who move once or twice a day (say) when it's equal and then when they are definitely lost start taking the maximum time available right until the bitter end. It's fair to take extra time in difficult but maybe savable positions, the positions I'm talking about are dead losses.
As a subscriber I found this a pain for game number management reasons, and as a non-subscriber it is a pain as I only have 6 games.
Originally posted by elassasinoI on the other hand welcome any and all of my opponent's resignations with or without conversation. In fact I encourage them to do so and have been known to prompt such actions with sharp moves.
Hello's to all from broiling arizona.
I havent found a full discussion on the above ( http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=17705 )
But the rudeness of just resigning w/o a chat discussion w/ your opponent is just so rude & self centered. I think there should be a site list of players who resign w/o notice. & whats wrong w/ a friendly hello & goodbye (chat) for such an effort & a classy game? 🙂
(It's a little cooler in Colorado. I think the heat got to you bro.)
... funny how some defenders of la rude, are trying to deflect the discussion to weather or not being chatty is desired ... the real nugget was the non-notification after a dozen moves or so of quiting the game ... & derailing most of us in our need to practice mid & end game strategies ... some of the suggestions are quite novel, & while in that mode, i shall leave mulling; do the same peeple who play chess in total digital silence also njoy their sex w/o nary a whisper?
Originally posted by elassasinoYou had no 'nuggets'. You're just another n00b that doesn't understand that your opponent has no obligation whatsoever to teach you about the game, or regale you with conversation during the game.
... funny how some defenders of la rude, are trying to deflect the discussion to weather or not being chatty is desired ... the real nugget was the non-notification after a dozen moves or so of quiting the game ... & derailing most of us in our need to practice mid & end game strategies ... some of the suggestions are quite novel, & while in that mode, i ...[text shortened]... the same peeple who play chess in total digital silence also njoy their sex w/o nary a whisper?
Speaking of getting derailed in practicing strategies - how did you fail to learn to spell? 😕
Originally posted by DeepThoughtHow about a conditional chat feature? If an opponent says "Good Move" you can automatically reply with "Thank you I am glad you appreciated it". These could be set up in preferences including an initial greeting so opponents can merrily chat away automatically without having to think about what to say or even reading the opponents messages.
...Besides I use conditional moves and that rules out the possibility of chatting.
It would be the best of both worlds. I think though you should set up your own chat in such a feature and not use some sort of chat engine.
Ooh, a chat engine! I love it! I will henceforth feed any comments to me into Eliza.
> Hello, I am Eliza.
* Nice move
> Don't you ever say Hello?
* Hello
> How are you today... What would you like to discuss?
* Nice move.
> Tell me more...
* Your knight fork, it was effective.
> Why are you concerned about my knight fork, it were effective?
It will drive my opponents bonkers!
Does Eliza still frequent teenage chatrooms? I used to love reading the transcriptions of conversations it had with grumpy kids.
See this link for how it came about: