I want to create a thread of relatively simple tactical chess puzzles, preferably from real games (as opposed to composed endgame problems). Anyone can contribute puzzles or solutions. Hopefully this will prove to be interesting and maybe instructive for everyone.
OK, I'll start the ball rolling with the first puzzle from an old book called 'Winning Chess Tactics Illustrated'.
White to move.
A good idea. Better add who is to play.
In some positions it may be Black who has the combo
yet White may be threatening a mate in one.
I think it would be a good idea to use combinations
from our own games. That way famous easily recognised
positions will not be used and it will give us a chance to 'show off'.
Also, writers are always looking for new positiions to show
tactcial ideas. Someone somewhere may just use one in a book.
Finally (and this is important) - someone may find a loop hole
in a combo you thought was sound.
Just an idea. Good luck with your thread.
Originally posted by vipiuYes, this wins.
Rxf6 Kxf6 Be5+ Kxe5 Qe6+ Kf4 Nh3+ Kf3 Qe4# ?
The solution given in the book is: Rxf6, Kxf6, Qf4+, Ke7, Qf7+, Kd8, Ne6+, Kc8, Qxc7#.
No mention is made of your variation, but it also wins.
Interestingly, in the inital position, Fritz likes 1.Qe6.
OK, everyone please feel free to post any relatively simple tactics puzzles for all to solve.