Originally posted by collis2000Just like a Bond villain. And to think you almost got away with it ...
Originally posted by collis2000Wow! One move checkmates! And your record is 52-1 with only 92 moves made. An average of less than 2 moves per game.
So you went through all that trouble to eek yourself and only ended up with a 1600 rating? Pathetic.
Originally posted by RagnorakWow! Multiple TOS violations! Haven't seen one of those around since tlai92 ...
Bye bye Collis.
From profile:
"Hi, im [b]12 and I like to play fast chess. Challenge me if you wish but please don't if your move frequency is over once a day, for i hate waiting. GOOD LUCK"
Originally posted by lucifershammerThere are more than you can believe,only that I don't bother russ too much with this crap because he has more important things to do.
Wow! Multiple TOS violations! Haven't seen one of those around since tlai92 ...
Just check the newbies list in 'Find players'' and when you see an account with 5-0-0 and another with 0-0-5 you've found a multiple accounter.
It happens almost everyday.