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Only Chess

Erro Ergo Sum

In the Green Room

09 Jul 07
22 Jan 08
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A friend of mine just started playing on RHP; I challenged him to a game and was assigned White. I moved and he responded the next day. However, he is a very strong player and it's been a long time since I've beaten him OTB. Since he now has a provisional rating and he's such a tough opponent, I jokingly offered him a draw on my 2nd move, and he accepted! 😲 He claimed this was a way for him to get closer to a non provisional rating while picking up a few rating points at the same time. Not a bad idea I thought, except that our game was counted as a non rated game. Is this the policy for such very short games?


27 Oct 05
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by AttilaTheHorn
A friend of mine just started playing on RHP; I challenged him to a game and was assigned White. I moved and he responded the next day. However, he is a very strong player and it's been a long time since I've beaten him OTB. Since he now has a provisional rating and he's such a tough opponent, I jokingly offered him a draw on my 2nd move, and he accept ...[text shortened]... that our game was counted as a non rated game. Is this the policy for such very short games?
Yes, games must have three moves played in order to be rated.


19 Mar 05
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by AttilaTheHorn
A friend of mine just started playing on RHP; I challenged him to a game and was assigned White. I moved and he responded the next day. However, he is a very strong player and it's been a long time since I've beaten him OTB. Since he now has a provisional rating and he's such a tough opponent, I jokingly offered him a draw on my 2nd move, and he accept ...[text shortened]... that our game was counted as a non rated game. Is this the policy for such very short games?
Be careful though because these games violate the ToS.

Mystic Meg


27 Mar 03
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by AttilaTheHorn
A friend of mine just started playing on RHP; I challenged him to a game and was assigned White. I moved and he responded the next day. However, he is a very strong player and it's been a long time since I've beaten him OTB. Since he now has a provisional rating and he's such a tough opponent, I jokingly offered him a draw on my 2nd move, and he accept ...[text shortened]... that our game was counted as a non rated game. Is this the policy for such very short games?
Please don't do this. It is rating manipulation.

P- (RHP Game Mod)

Erro Ergo Sum

In the Green Room

09 Jul 07
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Please don't do this. It is rating manipulation.

P- (RHP Game Mod)
OK, that's good advice and it won't happen again. I never imagined he would accept the offer and I was paying him a bit of respect by this little practical joke. I love chess too much to do that. I apologize for it and I'll mention this to him too. I'm sure he'll see the point because he is an honourable guy.
As a matter of fact, in a kids tournament we run here, two of the stronger stonger kids agreed to a draw in advance a while ago and I was furious at them. They were surprised at my reaction and they've been as good as gold ever since.

Mystic Meg


27 Mar 03
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by AttilaTheHorn
OK, that's good advice and it won't happen again. I never imagined he would accept the offer and I was paying him a bit of respect by this little practical joke. I love chess too much to do that. I apologize for it and I'll mention this to him too. I'm sure he'll see the point because he is an honourable guy.
As a matter of fact, in a kids tournament ...[text shortened]... s at them. They were surprised at my reaction and they've been as good as gold ever since.
Cool beans!


Lord of all beasts

searching for truth

06 Jun 06
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by AttilaTheHorn
OK, that's good advice and it won't happen again. I never imagined he would accept the offer and I was paying him a bit of respect by this little practical joke. I love chess too much to do that. I apologize for it and I'll mention this to him too. I'm sure he'll see the point because he is an honourable guy.
As a matter of fact, in a kids tournament ...[text shortened]... s at them. They were surprised at my reaction and they've been as good as gold ever since.
I have agreed many a draw after a single move.

Mainly in 2 circumstances

(1) where I have drawn a strong player in the 1st round of a tournament and it simply allows us both through to the next round rather than 1 of us being knocked out to early;

(2) to cut down games without jeopadising my chances in a tournament; or simply

(3) if I have too many games on the go and want to reduce a bit.

Doing this early in the game doesn't affect ratings hence it is a good time to get out of over commitments. Of course doing it a few moves later with the intention to manipulate ratings is another thing entirely and I have never done that.



04 Aug 06
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Please don't do this. It is rating manipulation.

P- (RHP Game Mod)
Possibly, but it is an intrinsic part of the rating system for provisionals in the first 5 games, and cannot always be avoided.
If a p1200 plays an 1800, his rating rises even in defeat (the formula is 1800-400 making the score for that game 1400, as far as I see it?).
Therefore if I join the site and play 5 games against an 1800 rated player (theoretically), I would get a p-rating of 1400 on my 5th game, would I not, despite having a 0-5 result ratio?
So is this cheating, or only if I resign by consent early in the game. I am being devils advocate, as I understand the context here, but such complications are created by the rating calculation for provisionals.

Mystic Meg


27 Mar 03
22 Jan 08
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Originally posted by Policestate
Possibly, but it is an intrinsic part of the rating system for provisionals in the first 5 games, and cannot always be avoided.
If a p1200 plays an 1800, his rating rises even in defeat (the formula is 1800-400 making the score for that game 1400, as far as I see it?).
Therefore if I join the site and play 5 games against an 1800 rated player (theoreti ...[text shortened]... the context here, but such complications are created by the rating calculation for provisionals.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Here is what I see happening. 2 friends, one has no rating yet. They decide to finish games and quickly get the friend rated.

This is outside help, becuase the 2 users know each other they have decided to manipulate the system.

This isn't fair to users like me who have NO FRIENDS!


The rating formula has nothing to do with my statement, my statement was about collaboration to quickly get through the non provisional rating.


Lord of all beasts

searching for truth

06 Jun 06
23 Jan 08
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Originally posted by Phlabibit
I have no idea what you are talking about. Here is what I see happening. 2 friends, one has no rating yet. They decide to finish games and quickly get the friend rated.

This is outside help, becuase the 2 users know each other they have decided to manipulate the system.

This isn't fair to users like me who have NO FRIENDS!


The rating form ...[text shortened]... my statement was about collaboration to quickly get through the non provisional rating.

I will play you and let you have a draw on move 2.

If you really need your ego boosting I could resign as black following your 1. g4!! as all is then lost for me.

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