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i've been going through a few of my old game and Game 930997 confused me.

white to move, but why did black (me) accept a draw? i can't really see why...

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Move repetition?

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Originally posted by schakuhr
Move repetition?
ah yes. thanks. showed you how thourally* i was looking at the game 😛

*no, i can't spell...

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couldnt you have won the bishop with Qf1 after he played rook F7 a few moves earlier?

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actually the rook

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Originally posted by genius
ah yes. thanks. showed you how thourally* i was looking at the game 😛

*no, i can't spell...
Surely even a Scotsman can spell 'thoroughly'.

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Originally posted by Bowmann
Surely even a Scotsman can spell 'thoroughly'.
Hey, you're the one who completely misspelled "diarrhea" in the thread about angie's different colored star, so I'd cut back on harping on everyone else.

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Originally posted by Wildfire
Hey, you're the one who completely misspelled "diarrhea" in the thread about angie's shit colored star, so I'd cut back on harping on everyone else.
He spelt it correctly. It just wasn't American English.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
He spelt it correctly. It just wasn't American English.
Maybe so, but sometimes American English makes a hell of a lot more sense than English English.

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I'll be sure to consider that assertion next time I go for a rest in one of your nation's many fine restrooms.

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There`s no such thing as American English. There`s English and foriegn.

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Originally posted by Wildfire
Maybe so, but sometimes American English makes a hell of a lot more sense than English English.
Probably because of the amount of countries that have invaded England and forced their influence upon it. BTW American English only differs in the spelling of a few words and small amount of grammatical points. It is essentially the same in it's structure. It uses all the same irregular verbs etc, and is therefore equally confusing as English English. It is also more confusing in some respects, such as changing the spelling of words. Why do this when it has been an official language for such a long time!? This only serves to add to the confusion of an already confusing language. 🙄

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Originally posted by Amaurote
I'll be sure to consider that assertion next time I go for a rest in one of your nation's many fine restrooms.
I don't consider my point of view to be an assertion, and if you plan on defecating in areas other than the ones intended, don't leave a large mess.

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If you don't consider assertions to be assertions, where I take a crap is the least of your problems.

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Originally posted by Amaurote
If you don't consider assertions to be assertions, where I take a crap is the least of your problems.
I made no assertion, my friend.

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