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Falkbeer's Countergambit Advise

Falkbeer's Countergambit Advise

Only Chess

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1. e4 e5
2. f4 d5
Falkbeer's Countergambit. Black is going to sac a pawn to get the initiative.

3. exd5 e4
The black pawn puts alot of pressure on white's position here. It's hard to remove and keeps white from developing like Nf3.

4. Nc3 Nf6
5. d3?!
Attacks the pawn on e4 for a second time, but this allows black to pin the knight on c3.

[b]I don't play this opening but I wanted to use it for my game analysis and i'm wondering what white can play instead of 5.d3 which would give me a better game?

I have looked at Bb5+, Bc4 and Qe2 but they don't seem that much better then 5.d3.

What is the right move for white on move 5.?

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4. d3 is normal.

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Originally posted by RahimK
1. e4 e5
2. f4 d5
Falkbeer's Countergambit. Black is going to sac a pawn to get the initiative.

3. exd5 e4
The black pawn puts alot of pressure on white's position here. It's hard to remove and keeps white from developing like Nf3.

4. Nc3 Nf6
5. d3?!
Attacks the pawn on e4 for a second time, but this allows black to pin the knight on c3.

hey don't seem that much better then 5.d3.

What is the right move for white on move 5.?
You do not have to play 3. eXd, 3. Nf3 is a perfectly solid alternative.

But if you do play 3. eXd .. e4 3. .. c6 and 3. .. eXf are both playable alternatives

Then you have the following main options 4. Bb5+, 4. c4, 4. d4, 4. Nc3 and 4. d3. You should consider Nc3 and d3 as the only 2 moves likely to gain white an advantage as the other 3 concede equality too early.

You remark on 4. Nc3 which is a solid white move with 4. .. Nf6 being the only logical black reply. White then needs to consider 5. Bc4, 5. d3 or Qe2 all of which are playable and should leave white with a slighly better position from the opening.

If 5. d3 .. Bb4; 6Bd2 .. e6; 7. BXP .. O-O; 8. Bd2 .. BXN; 9. bXB .. Re8+; 10. Be2 .. Bg4 11. Kf2 .. BXB; 12. NXB .. QXP with equal chances. [b]I prefer 5. Qe2 which gives a more dangerous sharp game in which white is likely to castle Q-side.

P.S. Hope I typed this right as I haven't checked it on the board

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Originally posted by RahimK
1. e4 e5
2. f4 d5
Falkbeer's Countergambit. Black is going to sac a pawn to get the initiative.

3. exd5 e4
The black pawn puts alot of pressure on white's position here. It's hard to remove and keeps white from developing like Nf3.

4. Nc3 Nf6
5. d3?!
Attacks the pawn on e4 for a second time, but this allows black to pin the knight on c3.
...[text shortened]... hey don't seem that much better then 5.d3.

What is the right move for white on move 5.?
Yeah, DF's got a fairly solid answer, I think. Everything I've heard suggests that 4.d3 is THE move for white though.

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Yeah, DF's got a fairly solid answer, I think. Everything I've heard suggests that 4.d3 is THE move for white though.
The game I am going over now, Schakur posted it, one of the question is:

instead of the troublesome 5.d3?! what is the correct move for white?

I have no idea what the answer is and he hasn't moved in awhile.

What answer did he have in mind? ie. What is the solution!!?

I think 5.d3 is decent and 5.Bb5+ and Bc4 are pretty much all the same as far as white's advantage is concerned.

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Originally posted by RahimK
The game I am going over now, Schakur posted it, one of the question is:

instead of the troublesome 5.d3?! what is the correct move for white?

I have no idea what the answer is and he hasn't moved in awhile.

What answer did he have in mind? ie. What is the solution!!?

I think 5.d3 is decent and 5.Bb5+ and Bc4 are pretty much all the same as far as white's advantage is concerned.
Try Qe2 for a much sharper source of fun, probably castling Q-side!

... although its sharp it is also sound

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My understanding was that current theory holds that the falkbeer is busted (at the GM level of course).

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Originally posted by zebano
My understanding was that current theory holds that the falkbeer is busted (at the GM level of course).
At GM level isn't the KG supposed to be busted?

At our level (unless you are up against an engine) they are both a source of fun.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
At GM level isn't the KG supposed to be busted?

At our level (unless you are up against an engine) they are both a source of fun.
I didn't think it was busted, simply unpopular at this point. However, my understanding was that 4. d3 wins for white with proper teqnique.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
At GM level isn't the KG supposed to be busted?

At our level (unless you are up against an engine) they are both a source of fun.
No, there's no direct refutation, just a lot of pesky defenses.

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Well my solution was basically play what your are comfortable with and don't be greedy and hold on to the pawn. It will be your downfall.

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