Okay...this is a game that me and lucifershammer are going to be playing publically waiting for zucchini to finish some of his games...
Game 668591
1. e3
This is the Van't Kruijs Opening...it's the fourth worst opening for White, but I've had tremendous success with it.
It seems to me -after using this a few times- the strategy of this opening is to either confuse White into losing the game, or try to hamper bishop movement.
1. ... e5
I haven't played the Vant Kruij's much, so I really just chose the simplest reply available. Other moves possible included 1. ... d5, 1. ... Nf6 and 1. ... Nc6.
In any case, e5 challenges White's control over the f4 and d4 squares, preventing an immediate 2. d4 (2. d4 exd4 3. exd4 [3. Qxd4 Nc6 should allow Black to equalise] d5 4. Nc3 c6 should give Black a comfortable position).
3. d4
Thinking down the road...I think I can turn this into C01: French: Exchange Variation...that normally plays out: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 exd5 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. Bg5
So I'm thinking that if I move here offering an exchange...I can start following along that opening theory...
My opening theory for 1. e3 is that it can be modified easily into a position for White without much effort...the good thing is...it can still throw opponents off.
6. Bd3
Developing the bishop. I'm going to ignore 5...Bb4 for now because I'm still trying to develop. I honestly thought about 6. Qe2+ but as far as Queen's go...I prefer VERY active squares for them...and 6. Qe2+ didn't seem as active as I would like...besides...I still need to gets so pieces out for mobilities sake.
7. Nge2
Developing the knight. I want to get my knight out there, but I also like overprotecting pieces that are in danger as long as they are active. That's a great way to be sure a piece is safe if you suddenly have to deal with something somewhere else that you didn't see.
While this is also my short hand tactic...I'm slowly bringing my pieces in to advance on his kingside. If I can get him to push back his developing center...I'll be in great shape...
Notice we're still in the book here.