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(GM) Games which impressed

(GM) Games which impressed

Only Chess

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We all know Gary is top 1 or 2 all time, but 17 Rxb7 is an astounding move. The fact that he follows that up to beat Shirov (no slouch himself)based solely on a slight development advantage and better pawns is amazing while giving up a whole exchange.

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I had just checked this game out on a Youtube video the other day. The commenter stated that the exchange sac was for total domination of d5 with the white knight and the follow up b4 to keep the black knight off c5. Kaparov's games fascinate me but I can't do that kind of stuff.

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I was amazed by this game by Aronian the first time I saw it, and I still am.

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This is probably my favorite game:

Bobotsov v Tal.

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Originally posted by amolv06
This is probably my favorite game:

[pgn][Event "Varna"]
[Site "02"]
[Date "1958.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "Milko Bobotsov"]
[Black "Mikhail Tal"]
[ECO "E81"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "60"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 O-O 6.Nge2 c5 7.Be3
Nbd7 8.Qd2 a6 9.O-O-O Qa5 10.Kb1 b5 11.Nd5 Nxd ...[text shortened]... b3 28.axb3
Rbc8 29.Qa3 Rc1+ 30.Rxc1 Rxc1 0-1

Bobotsov v Tal.
I was absolutely stunned the first time I saw that game a little over a year ago. A positional Queen sac! Wow!

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