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Greenpawn On Open Sicilian

Greenpawn On Open Sicilian

Only Chess

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Would it look something like this?

3 Minute Game

16. ... Kf7 17.Qe2 (intending Bc4) += !

22.Bxa6 # is a slight improvement.

26.Rc6+! (or 26.a5+) Kb7 27.Rd6+ is much cleaner.

26. ... Nc5! but white is still won.


where's the duck?

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Originally posted by wormwood
where's the duck?

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Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
greenpawn games tend to have some... slightly unusual pieces in them.

the duck:

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Originally posted by wormwood
greenpawn games tend to have some... slightly unusual pieces in them.
True ... I guess I'm not all here today. I have a bad sinus headache. 🙁

Is anyone here playing in the big ICC tournament tomorrow? I'm registered for that one. It's worth cash prizes!!!

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Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
True ... I guess I'm not all here today. I have a bad sinus headache. 🙁

Is anyone here playing in the big ICC tournament tomorrow? I'm registered for that one. It's worth cash prizes!!!
is dos hermanas tomorrow already? I'm not good enough to play, but I'll be probably watching.

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Originally posted by wormwood
is dos hermanas tomorrow already? I'm not good enough to play, but I'll be probably watching.
Yes, that's the one!

Truthfully, I don't think I'm good enough to win it either. I'm going to just have some fun trying. 🙂

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Hi Paul.

I very rarely play the open Sicilian unless I know for sure I'm getting a Najdorf.
which I think is quite difficult for Black to play at blitz.

So if they play 2...e6 to avoid my Bb5 stuff, I play b4.
Even in OTB I play 3.b4

as I do v The French. 1.e4 e6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 c5. 4.b4

In the posted game to be honest, I know me and you have to be honest
with yourself.

Moving quickly I would have practised what I preach, spotted 20.Bc7+ and
instantly cut off the flight sq by 20.Bxa6. Threatening mate in one.

"When King Hunting cover the flight squares, the checks take care of themselves."

I saw that first in the game the moment it appeared so I doubt wether I would
have back tracked my thinking and played 20.Bc7+ and 21.Bxa6 mate.

It threatens mate in one which for me is easier to see at speed than a mate in two.

And of course I always have a duck on e5 in every game I play.

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Maybe it's not a Greenpawn Sicilian, but it certainly has a Greenpawn finish. 🙂

3 Minute Game At FICS
I was white.

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Great game love the ending 🙂 , did not see that finish coming , another one for me to try to remember for the future !

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Beautiful. I like the addition of the a1-h8 bishop which allows you to take the knight.

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Hi Paul.

Sweet game.

To be honest in a blitz game with me it's see a trick and play a trick.

Here White to play.

I'm sure I would have seen the trap before the mate and played 21.Qg3

Threatening Ng6+ winning the unprotected Queen on c7.

I had some 'brilliancy' luck a few weeks back at 4/0.

I (Black) had just played 16...Ne2-d4 thinking if 17.Qxh4 then 17...Nxf3 is mate.
(the greenpawn one move trick)

When I went for this trick about two moves previously I thought it would be
OK because if he played 17.Bxd4 I can play 17...Qxd4.

I then realised with the postion infront of me and the time he was taking to move,
that 17.Bxd4 Qf4+ mates!

After 1 minute he resigned!!

If he had quickly played 17.Bxd4 without thinking about it I may very well
have played 17...Qxd4 because that is what I intended 2-3 moves previous.

A case of where taking your time did more damage than good.

17.Bg2 the only other try is busted beautifully with a Queen sac.
(Though I suspect he thought I might play the crude 17...Nxf3+)

I'd like to say I saw this when I played 14...Nf3+ but I didn't.

I only caught it when wating to see what he would play.

Here is the game. It has a bit of history. We had played 4/5 Latvians with me Black
(I usually always take Black at blitz) and winning them all so he switched to a
Scotch via a Danish.

His 9.h3 to stop N/Bg5 was clumsy. Added 17.Bg2 for effect.

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