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Head Hunting

Only Chess

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Just clicked my first skull ...

was rook and pawn up in a major piece ending so didn't feel too bad about it.

Anyhoo - it was my 40th completed game here at RHP. I was just wondering if one skull opportunity every 40 games was about average. Skulls seem to be talked about a good deal more often than I get to see them. Perhaps my experience is unusual?

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>At this moment, 9.88% of my wins are by clicking skulls. That's almost one in ten, and I too wonder what the average is on RHP.
>I don't feel guilty in clicking a skull, no matter whether I'm winning or losing the game before I do so. The game is played on the clock and my opponent has agreed to the time controls, so clicking a skull is a legitimate win.

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Originally posted by JonathanB of London
Just clicked my first skull ...

was rook and pawn up in a major piece ending so didn't feel too bad about it.

Anyhoo - it was my 40th completed game here at RHP. I was just wondering if one skull opportunity every 40 games was about average. Skulls seem to be talked about a good deal more often than I get to see them. Perhaps my experience is unusual?
depends what time controls you play. I play only 7/14 or slower, and almost never get skulls.

but when I do I click it without batting an eye. running out of time is a blunder comparable to dropping a queen, except without the possibility of an elaborate trap with a tasty bait.

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2 timeouts in 15 completed games.
Timeout policy: see skull = click skull.Exceptions made for players in vacation mode and perhaps at explicit request.

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Originally posted by JonathanB of London
Just clicked my first skull ...

was rook and pawn up in a major piece ending so didn't feel too bad about it.

Anyhoo - it was my 40th completed game here at RHP. I was just wondering if one skull opportunity every 40 games was about average. Skulls seem to be talked about a good deal more often than I get to see them. Perhaps my experience is unusual?
I have clicked on a skull about 6X in 1000 games.

So far I have not lost a single game to a timeout.

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Originally posted by Katastroof
Timeout policy: see skull = click skull.Exceptions made for players in vacation mode and perhaps at explicit request.
Well we don't have a choice about vacation do we ... but I'd agree with you about the possibility of not clicking had the opponent explicitly asked me not to/explained the reasons why.

I certainly don't have a problem clicking skulls regardless of the game situation ... but somehow it feels different than OTB. Probably because I see here as training for there and not inherently important in itself.

Never been timed out myself yet. Did let my clock run down to zero by accident one game (not same opponent as I skulled) for about an hour or two. My opponent either didn't notice or chose to be merciful.


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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
I have clicked on a skull about 6X in 1000 games.

So far I have not lost a single game to a timeout.
I've clicked a few...

But had only one clicked on me.
And I had already logged on to make my move, saw I was out of time,
opened the board and immediately tried to move, albeit 1/2 millisecond too late. Lesson learned!

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I've completed 40ish games and I think I've clicked 3 skulls. I don't care much in personal games (I have some friends I wouldn't take a skull on) but in clan games I'm playing for the team so if someone timed out that's just the way it goes. I figure that if you're playing a tournament the time controls are the same as a clock and if you ran out of time that's your loss!

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Originally posted by Badwater
I've completed 40ish games and I think I've clicked 3 skulls. I don't care much in personal games (I have some friends I wouldn't take a skull on) but in clan games I'm playing for the team so if someone timed out that's just the way it goes. I figure that if you're playing a tournament the time controls are the same as a clock and if you ran out of time that's your loss!
Yeah, it's not cool to do it to a friend!
Only in tournaments and clan games.
Speaking of which the tourney bot skulled one of my opponents recently, so you can't give them forever to move anyways.

I didn't feel too bad, but I don't like to get flamed if they put an excuse in their profile and they end up timing out... that has happened too.

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I've clicked about 10 skulls in 150 games.

Before the skull appears I always try to click the email reminder. That way I don't feel guilty when I click the skull.

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