To make things easier for analysis, I have picked out all your games where you have lost (plus one you have drawn):
Game 2136172
Game 2134129 (drawn)
Game 2134016
Game 2134248
Game 2175993
Game 2192615
Will start with game Game 2136172. Seems to be you were in a better position than your opponent until you made a serious blunder with move 13. Re8 (trapping in your queen and blocking the escape square for your knight). Better would have been to exchange with the bishop.
you drop pieces like crazy. 🙂 it doesn't matter much what else you do until you stop dropping them. my guess is you don't drill tactics?
start doing tactics regularly, preferably a little each day. a good place for it is chess tactics server at
I've also played a year now, but have drilled tactics since the beginning. just broke 50 000 problems done yesterday. it pays off.
i'm gonna chime in for Game 2134129
3...Qe7 I prefer g6 doesn't block the bishop gains a tempo but Qe7 or Qf6 are ok
i'm not even gonna try to analyze moves 5-10
11...Bxe5 better is Nxe5
ok how is this a draw you're up 2 pieces a rook and a pawn???
Game 2134016
first seven moves are good
8.d5? your knight is necessary for this but it can be captured as an intermezzo (in between move) a very important tactic to become comfortable with.
8...cxd5? a critical error by your opp. exd5 or Bxc3 was correct.
10.dxe6!! great move now we see that the c6 pawn was critical for defending the long daignol.
12...Rf5? another error the a8 rook is hanging free for the taking
13.Qb6+ ?! a strange move you should have taken the rook.
13...d5 forced
14.e4! nice
15.Bf4?? i don't get it why not 15.exd5 +- threatening to move the pawn and attack the knight discover check and threaten the rook on a8.
18.Rfc1?? not only are you again not taking the d pawn you are blocking in your second rook. at least play Rac1 so that both rooks can be active.
Game 2134248
8.Qe3?? you missed 8.exd5 cxd5 9.Qxe5+ puts you comfortably in the lead.Instead you walked into a fork.
14.Rfd1 - i think this is symptomatic you blocked in your queenside rook again. (even though it didn't matter here you should still have played Rad1
17.Rad1 - no effort to protect your e pawn. you can't just play your own game completely ignoring your opp play, you have to respond to his moves and his threats as well as creating your own.
Game 2175993
3.Bd3?? the worst possible move you've turned one bishop into a pawn and the other into deadwood. 3.Bc4, 3.Nc3, 3.b3 3.Be2 and 3.d3 are viable options
7.Bc4 - see you had to move it again anyway.
15.Rfe1 - i think 15.Qb5+ Kc8 (c6 dxc6+ Bxc6 Qxb6 +=) 16.a5 keeps the black king on the vulnerable queenside
21.Nxd6+ wins immediately Kf8 Qc8+ Qe8 Qxe8# or Qxd6 Qxd6 gxf3 Bxe5 +-
i think you still have a chance after 22.Nc7+
23...Nxh2? why not just take the piece?
Game 2192615
11.Qg4+ too eager, relax take a deep breath and take it slow.
better was 11.Bxb7 Qxb7 12.Nd5 f5? 13.c3!
then either 13...Ne6 14.Nxf5 +- or 13...c6? 14.Nf6+ Kg7 15.Nh5+ and you win a piece without disrupting your attack.
16.Qh6 its not working but you just keep pushing forward
better is Rc1 Nxe1 Rxe1! followed by Re3-h3
Originally posted by aginisBlacks 4th move Bd6 is bad. Recognise this and learn to punish it. It is bad because it blocks in the d pawn and hinders development of the B(c8). You may not have recogised this mistake but you play fine for the next few moves (except possibly move 8 when Nd5 may be better than Bd5 - the reasons for this should become clearer when you consider your options as suggested at the end of this post) and could have punished this error on move 13.
Game 2192615
11.Qg4+ too eager, relax take a deep breath and take it slow.
better was 11.Bxb7 Qxb7 12.Nd5 f5? 13.c3!
then either 13...Ne6 14.Nxf5 +- or 13...c6? 14.Nf6+ Kg7 15.Nh5+ and you win a piece without disrupting your attack.
16.Qh6 its not working but you just keep pushing forward
better is Rc1 Nxe1 Rxe1! followed by Re3-h3
Your Q check on move 12 is fine but your move 13 is wrong.
If 13. Qf5 ... Nxe1 14. Qf6+ .. Kg8 15. Nf5 and mate cannot be stopped.
You need to recognise your attacking chances and calculate them through.
Black obviously cannot take at e1. Perhaps you can tell me what else he can play and whether it is good enough to save the game!
Originally posted by wormwoodTactics? I'm a big fan but in this case I gotta disagree with you. Yes he drops pieces everyone does when they start out but getting a 1200 to work on tactics won't do much in my opinion. It's better to learn strategy at this point, how the pieces move, what you should aim for and then worry about tactics. I saw the first 7 moves of the first 3 games on that list the guy above posted.
you drop pieces like crazy. 🙂 it doesn't matter much what else you do until you stop dropping them. my guess is you don't drill tactics?
start doing tactics regularly, preferably a little each day. a good place for it is chess tactics server at
I've also played a year now, but have drilled tactics since the beginning. just broke 50 000 problems done yesterday. it pays off.
You need to learn how to play proper chess and learn the opening principles and ideas. Then worry about tactics. You need to start learning chess properly and then worry about the rest.
Read my thread Need help getting to 1400 page 2 half way down. Follow that. When you get to 1300 or so then start worrying about tactics.
Thanks for your help. But I need to discover a way for me to improve. Remember, you are not always on my side (but i wish so) when I play other harder games. How many years from now, till I find some of my middle-game move are bad and good. All I can now see is that double moving, pawn moving etc. is bad in the opening and moves that control the center are good, and I know I should be studying the end-game first, but the opening is more fun. Any tips? Feel free to rate my current games and my previuos move but don't tell me any future mves, please.
Originally posted by Knight SquareNot allowed. Discussion of past moves inevitably reflects on future possibilities. Stick to asking about completed games.
Feel free to rate my current games and my previuos move but don't tell me any future mves, please.
As far as your other questions go, I am not an expert on getting good at chess (as you can tell by my rating), but I do have some thoughts.
Probably the best thing you can do is reflect more deeply on your own moves and try to anticipate those of your opponent.. Ask yourself what you would do if you were playing the other side (the "flip board' option on the RHP analysis board can be useful for this). Try not to play speculative "let's see what happens if I do this" moves (this one is a problem for me).
Go through your losses, and try to figure out where you went wrong (computer programs can help with this). Go through your wins and figure out where your opponent went wrong.
Besides this general thorough, disciplined and inquisitive approach, I suspect the most important thing at our level is to be alert to possible tactics.