My longest game Game 5265558 started on July, the 28th, 2008
( please no comments on that game, its still going on!)
Ok, I have some other games, where my opponents just stopped moving a lot of months ago, but I don't think, they will move again any more.
So, have you *active* games, lasting at least one year?
Or did you have games lasting more than a year, which ended not with a timeout?
( I want to start here a counterpoint to the evergreen "mate beneath 20 moves" thread )
Originally posted by Helder OctavioIn thread 62525 they discuss about the longest game counted in moves.
Thread 62525
I ment the longest game counted in time
I have this game, Game 3976340, started on August 30th, 2007. It's still actual, so don't comment on the game.
We are playing for more than two years now. You can imagine how long such a tounement will take....
That's why I do not enter 21/21 tournements anymore.
Originally posted by jankrbPerhaps it would be finished by now if you'd played 42 Rxd7!
I have this game, Game 3976340, started on August 30th, 2007. It's still actual, so don't comment on the game.
We are playing for more than two years now. You can imagine how long such a tounement will take....
That's why I do not enter 21/21 tournements anymore.