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How many chess books do you own?

How many chess books do you own?

Only Chess

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And how many of them have you read?

I will have to confirm when I get home, but I believe that I own
3 endgame books
6 middlegame books
5 biographies (Fischer, Tal, Keres and Bronstein, Purdy)
1 tournament book (Zurich 1953)
9 opening books (1 is ECO, the rest specificic to particular openings)
24 total

Of them I have read
2.5 endgame books (Still working on Dveoretsky)
4.5 middlegame books (in the middle of Best lessons of a Chess Coach)
1 biography (Fischer)
.5 of a tournament book
~6 books on openings (mainly perused after losing using that particular opening)
14.5 Total

I hope to have read and analyzed them all someday =) but when I see chess books at the used bookstore, I just can't pass it up.

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Own 0!

Read 18 In like just over 2 years.

I made a list of them in my blog I made couple of days ago on yahoo 360. I keep crashing my computer so I though it would safest online.

And I've seen lots of Roman DVD and some others so about 12 of those in just over 2 years also.

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I own one, and have only read it partly (and I haven't read any other chess books either). 😳

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I just picked up Yasser's tactics books and the Amateur's Mind by Silman. I've read Weapons of Chess by Pandolfini. I hope these two new books finally help me get my rating out of its current slump.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
I own one, and have only read it partly (and I haven't read any other chess books either). 😳
Ahhh.....you dont need to.

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Originally posted by TRAINS44
Ahhh.....you dont need to.
If I want to continue to improve, I'll probably have to start studying chess books at some point.

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I'm slightly over 150. Some I've had 30 years.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
I'm slightly over 150. Some I've had 30 years.
150????? That's pretty old, huh?

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Originally posted by Nordlys
If I want to continue to improve, I'll probably have to start studying chess books at some point.
I read 1 book on chess 20 years ago. I just dont have the patience to read em. Toooo much to think about in them.

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Originally posted by TRAINS44
I read 1 book on chess 20 years ago. I just dont have the patience to read em. Toooo much to think about in them.
So, have you just learned by playing, or have you had a teacher, used software, or something else?

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4 total, I've read a bunch from the library.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
So, have you just learned by playing, or have you had a teacher, used software, or something else?
I just play, had a teacher for a few months 4 years ago, and I play, play, play!!

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Originally posted by zebano
And how many of them have you read?

I will have to confirm when I get home, but I believe that I own
3 endgame books
6 middlegame books
5 biographies (Fischer, Tal, Keres and Bronstein, Purdy)
1 tournament book (Zurich 1953)
9 opening books (1 is ECO, the rest specificic to particular openings)
24 total

Of them I have read
2.5 endgame books (St ...[text shortened]... them all someday =) but when I see chess books at the used bookstore, I just can't pass it up.
Lat time i counted, i owned close to 300.
Plus software, and chess magazines, etc.
Just sold 16 of my books on ebay.
Most of the books are for collection, or reference purpose.
Reading Isreal Gellers Positional Handbook right now.
Also reading Mednis-how to beat Bobby Fischer. I have a cd with 2.5 million games, and i look up the fischer games, and play through them, as i read the book. Works faster then using a board.

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4 but i plan on getting another maybe yasser's books

1) Logical chess move by move (Irving Chernev) great book!!
2) Chess the complete self tutor (lasker)
3) Tigran Petrosian his life and games
4) Ideas behind modern chess openings (Gary Lane)

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Originally posted by TRAINS44
I read 1 book on chess 20 years ago. I just dont have the patience to read em. Toooo much to think about in them.
Am I correct in assuming that you analyze your own games?

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