I just wanted to say this. It has got to be the craziest, most entertaining opening in the history of chess. Nothing feels better than crushing some chump he thinks if he plays the Yugoslav he will beat you. Although it sucks equally as bad when you get whomped. 🙂 If anyone wants to send over some games I will take the black side.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!Pardon my ignorance....but if you point me to some info on the dragon opening....I'd be more than willing to pay against it.
I just wanted to say this. It has got to be the craziest, most entertaining opening in the history of chess. Nothing feels better than crushing some chump he thinks if he plays the Yugoslav he will beat you. Although it sucks equally as bad when you get whomped. 🙂 If anyone wants to send over some games I will take the black side.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!I also play the Dragon as Black, but I'll send over a challenge as White.
I just wanted to say this. It has got to be the craziest, most entertaining opening in the history of chess. Nothing feels better than crushing some chump he thinks if he plays the Yugoslav he will beat you. Although it sucks equally as bad when you get whomped. 🙂 If anyone wants to send over some games I will take the black side.
Originally posted by Sicilian SmaugI prefer *Paulsen* just because it is easy to learn and you can always play early d5 to transpose into Marshall and make your oppnonent look like you are totally gone crazy!
Najdorf is superior, you should learn that.
Only thing you have to learn is that the order. First play c5 and then e6 (if he doesnt play d4), finally d5 if he doesnt play Bc4 early. If he does just play a6 like normal Paulsen.
One more advantage of the Marshall (Paulsen) opening is that your opponent can think you are totally stupid, you let white do all the the attacking and everything. You simply reject to develop any piece and keep playing solely with pawns first few moves.
But scientifically, I agree with you, Najdorf is just the best against e4. Nothing can beat Najdorf!😉
Originally posted by !~TONY~!I'll challenge you 🙂.
I just wanted to say this. It has got to be the craziest, most entertaining opening in the history of chess. Nothing feels better than crushing some chump he thinks if he plays the Yugoslav he will beat you. Although it sucks equally as bad when you get whomped. 🙂 If anyone wants to send over some games I will take the black side.
If you're gonna play the Sicilian, have some courage and play the Sveshnikov, or the Kalashnikov if you really think you're tough.
As for me, after three decades of devotion to the Sicilian, I've switched to the French. 1. ... e6 is ofetn more fun than 1. ... c5. Sadly, the chumps in San Luis don't agree with me: its all Najdorf, Sveshnikov, and Spanish torture down there. Even Morozevich hasn't played the French yet.
I love the dragon! I use to play it, too. But, after a certain 1700s player on redhotpawn.com taught me how weak the dragon is, the same player offered me some advice: play the Najdorf! If White castles Kingside when Black plays the dragon, Black has some nice sacrifices and some strong plays. But, they have to be played, and only great players can even feel confident enough to withstand White's h4 playing against the dragon. That's with White castling Queenside of course. ONce White's kingside pawns charge the Black fianchetto, well, all I've ever noticed is headaches. I changed to the Najdorf. I have no worries now. I can concentrate on the game, instead of my weaknesses. But, I do love how Pillsbury played Dragon games. However, that was then and this is now. Fischer didn't like the Dragon. He said it was weak! Who knows better?
Originally posted by fierytormentI didn't expect the last line at all! Hahahha, Anyway, I have two Yugo Attacks going, I welcome more of course, I need the practice! 🙂
If White doesn't know how to attack the dragon, he's screwed, I prefer the Dragon because it requires real precise play on the part of both players.
That being said, I prefer right now the Caro-Kahn
I love the Dragon as well. It does sometimes struggle against very good opponents especially in lines with an early g4.
But it's worth it for the surprise factor of the c3 sac or the crazy fun if h4 and h5 don't happen.
All the above refer to the Yugoslav attack, however I've been having some problems in similiar lines with Be2 instead of Bc4, probably because I play them like the Yugoslav and the differences get me.
The endgames are interesting too, many chances for perpetuals for the weak side and sudden sacs followed by mate by the stronger.