Youtube has plenty of videos of beginners stuff, as well as plenty of full videos of GM games. A user called 'thechesswebsite', who also has a site called.... uhm...., has some good videos that explain the principles behind various openings, which I've found useful.
Originally posted by IDrinkYourMilkshakeYeah I can vouch for this, and also Daniel King's powerplaychess is also a pretty good channel.
Youtube has plenty of videos of beginners stuff, as well as plenty of full videos of GM games. A user called 'thechesswebsite', who also has a site called.... uhm...., has some good videos that explain the principles behind various openings, which I've found useful.
I watch all of his videos when he analyses key games from big tournaments.
20 Nov 12
Originally posted by Paul Dirac IIIt happened to me too. I figured you have to be a member. I don't know what the problem is. But I figured out the puzzle anyway.
I find that the up/down scroll bar is not working on the page for "puzzle of the day."'
Anybody else? Maybe my computer is just having a bad day?