I do hope that you are talking about white castling queenside and not you. f3 pretty much defines the Yugoslav Attack where white castles queenside and the wing rushes can take place. I studied historic games (a bundle of them Fischer games) to find lines for black (I never took the time to get a dragon book) and eventually switched to the Anti-Yugoslav Variation of the Accelerated Dragon to avoid the Yugoslav Attack all together.
The Yugoslav Attack is very sharp and white tries very hard to keep the intiative. IMO, it's the best way for white to meet the Sicilian Dragon.
here's some games to look at
The Yugoslav attack is so damn tactical that you simply wont get away with a few tips and tricks.
but here's some ideas anyways (from the main line of 9.Bc4, don't ask me about 9.O-O-O):
-The goal of both sides is sort of like a pawn race to mate
-Black's queenside pawns may find themselves too slow compared to white's kingside pawns so black needs to use pieces to do most of the attacking
-the game can end VERY QUICKLY if one side plays his attack well and the other doesnt know what he is doing.
Here's a game I just played
[Event "uChess rated"]
[Site "www.uchess.com"]
[Date "2006.8.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "YUG0slav"]
[Black "cral"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e2-e4 c7-c5 2. Ng1-f3 d7-d6 3. d2-d4 c5xd4 4. Nf3xd4 Ng8-f6 5. Nb1-c3 g7-g6 6. Bc1-e3 Bf8-g7 7. f2-f3 O-O 8. Qd1-d2 Nb8-c6 9. Bf1-c4 Nc6xd4 10. Be3xd4 e7-e5 11. Bd4-f2 a7-a6 12. O-O-O b7-b5 13. Bc4-b3 b5-b4 14. Nc3-a4 a6-a5 15. Kc1-b1 Nf6-e8 16. Na4-b6 Ra8-b8 17. Nb6xc8 Rb8xc8 18. Qd2-d3 Bg7-h6 19. h2-h4 1-0
it was blitz so please forgive some of my inferior moves. Black left the book at move 9 and white ended up with an advantage due to black's lack of understanding of the Dragon. Black disconnected at move 19.
Originally posted by YUG0slavI also play the dragon, and have faced much trouble with the YugoSlav attack. What exactly is the anti-yugoslav?
I do hope that you are talking about white castling queenside and not you. f3 pretty much defines the Yugoslav Attack where white castles queenside and the wing rushes can take place. I studied historic games (a bundle of them Fischer games) to find lines for black (I never took the time to get a dragon book) and eventually switched to the Anti-Yugoslav V ...[text shortened]... very hard to keep the intiative. IMO, it's the best way for white to meet the Sicilian Dragon.
it's a line from the Accelerated Dragon. The line is:
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 g6
5. Nc3 Bg7
6. Be3 Nf6
7. Bc4 Qa5
This line is meant to force white to castle kingside and avoid the Yugoslav Attack. Note that this is the Accelerated Dragon, not the Dragon, and that this game is more positional than sharp tactics.