We all know what they are. we were all one at some point. What I don't understand is how when you create an open invite and write clearly in the game title,
o provisionals, that some fruitcake who is one decides to accept the invite. where have peoples manners gone. either they have none, or they just dont have any common sense. ive created 5 open invites in the past 24 hrs and 3 of them were accepted by provisional players. all the games were clearly title
o provisionals. that just really erks me.
zakkwylder - The only thing I can think of is that maybe the newbies accepting your challenges don't know that the "p" stands for "Provisional"... Though I don't think it takes a genius to figure that out.
Saffa73 - Maybe they're also not that good at numbers. 😉😛
Originally posted by zakkwylderThe same happens everytime to me,I write no provisionals and regularly 4 out of 5 picking up the invite are provisionals;however it isn't a big deal,just delete the game and put another invite.
I just created another open invite and guess what, some genius with a provisional rating accepted. What has this world come to? ARRGH!
I guess this works like when I was a child:if my mother said 'Don't touch this!' I'll go touching that only because she told me not to: the same is for provisionals,you say 'No provisionals' and they just pick up the game for contradiction.
Originally posted by Lord of DestructionNo big deal,there are thousand of players and yes,I care only about my rating,I would kill my best friend for a 30 point raise! (just kidding)
I will keep all of you in mind for a game of chess once I am no longer a low life Provisional. If you do not accept provisional players for a game of chess are you only worried about your rating?
It seems pretty plausible that a new player wouldn't know what "provisional" was. So I think your rage may be misplaced.
On the other hand, there is a reason beyond rating for preferring to play established players-- new players have a tendency to quit playing in mid-game, which is kind of a letdown.
Originally posted by zakkwylderMost people who start, have no idea how it all works and are already happy that something works.
We all know what they are. we were all one at some point. What I don't understand is how when you create an open invite and write clearly in the game title,
o provisionals, that some fruitcake who is one decides to accept the invite.
When it happens to me I send them a short PM to explain and sometimes the answer is so sweet that I decide to play the newcomer anyway.
Once I asked for the French Defense. Someone took the challenge and opened with Nf3 and started a conversation in broken French and apologized about his bad French. How could you refuses to play. He was rather confused when I told him that I am Dutch. Now he wants to play the French Defense
"GEE, I wonder what that lil 'P' is next to my rating? could it mean provisional?" yes new players do have a tendency to quit or forget about the site all together. and when you play provisional players, their ratings are pretty eradic and could make your rating go down even if you win. its just a protection to not play provisional players. so many people join this site everyday, theres enough provisional players on the site for provisional players to play eachother. theres no misplaced rage. its about people having common sense.
If all non-provisional players refused to play provisional players, you might as well get rid of the provisional system , the ratings would be useless coming out of the provisional period.
Certainly, subscribed provisional players have shown financial support for the web site; maybe non-subscribed players should not be allowed to decline matches - just creat and accept open invites.
You have to encourage new players on the site. And you have to encourage the purchase of stars.
So I do NOT agree with specifying "no provisionals" in the open invites. That's just paranoia.
If you are a "non-p" player, your rating cannot go down if you beat a "p". And if they win, your rating only falls by half the amount it would against a "non-p" player. The only danger is the p1200s (it might be Kasparov!) But once the "p" has played 5 games, there is really nothing to fear.
If you fear for your rating, rather specify a minimum rating (to avoid p1200's). And if you are looking for committed oppenents who will complete their games, you can simply specify "pawn-stars only".
Right then - I am a provisional (although I have booked in to see my doctor) should soon be cured. I am also guilty of accepting an open challenge by Saffa, I think who specifically expressed 14400+. So here I am feeling guilty for being all the words expressed in the previous post. What can I say "Sorry Saffa", I had just joined and was clicking buttons like some possessed demon. Just wanted to play chess!!!
Having said all that it seems excessive to get so uptight - I am nearly through my provisional period and will look forward to playing in the upper realms - keep a seat warm and smile, it costs nothing and I believe two clicks sorts the problem anyway.