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quality over quantity

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does that saying fit into chess? if you have a rook and a queen and your opponent has two rooks and a knight, which is better?

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
does that saying fit into chess? if you have a rook and a queen and your opponent has two rooks and a knight, which is better?
The side with the queen according to this site:


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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
The side with the queen according to this site:

There is a fairly crude point system for pieces which would allow you to calculate this. Queen is generally regarded as superior to rook and knight. However, will always depend on position in the game.

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
does that saying fit into chess? if you have a rook and a queen and your opponent has two rooks and a knight, which is better?
yes I would trade my 8 pawns for a Queen anytime

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
does that saying fit into chess? if you have a rook and a queen and your opponent has two rooks and a knight, which is better?
R & Q will win

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Originally posted by HFRorbis
yes I would trade my 8 pawns for a Queen anytime
If 8P & K v Q & K, I'll take the 8 pawns, especially if the rear most pawn is supported by the King.

No ways will the Q pick them all off before one Queens

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
If 8P & K v Q & K, I'll take the 8 pawns, especially if the rear most pawn is supported by the King.

No ways will the Q pick them all off before one Queens
I would take the Queen anytime

my Queen would put your King in check while eating your pawns one after one until you have no pawn left,and then ..checkmate with my Queen+King
there would be no way for one pawn to promote against a Queen

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Originally posted by HFRorbis
I would take the Queen anytime

my Queen would put your King in check while eating your pawns one after one until you have no pawn left,and then ..checkmate with my Queen+King
there would be no way for one pawn to promote against a Queen
You sure? Black can win this.


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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
does that saying fit into chess?
Quality trumps quantity! Clan 24395

In general the rook and queen should prevail over two rooks and a knight, but the configuration of the remaining pawns (if there are any) could make a difference.

A quick glance through my database turned up 1156 with QR vs RRN. In almost all of those I examined, the side with the queen won, although there were draws. Here's an exception:

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I am sure black can with this easily in less than 40 moves w

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
You sure? Black can win this.


Qh4+ then chase the king away from d2, attack with queen, take, and take all the pawns. or is it not that simple?

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Originally posted by mazziewag
Qh4+ then chase the king away from d2, attack with queen, take, and take all the pawns. or is it not that simple?
Say Qh4+ .. Kf1
Q check .. Kf2
Q check .. Ke3

as soon as you move the King the pawns start forward. Shall we play it and see?

Game 2530466

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Say Qh4+ .. Kf1
Q check .. Kf2
Q check .. Ke3

as soon as you move the King the pawns start forward. Shall we play it and see?

Game 2530466
let me play your game
I will prove you that there's no way you can promote a pawn
The black king moves forward to block the white king and the Queen controls the pawns ahead.Game over for whites

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Originally posted by HFRorbis
let me play your game
I will prove you that there's no way you can promote a pawn
The black king moves forward to block the white king and the Queen controls the pawns ahead.Game over for whites
Theres only 1 way to do this and that is to play it and see.

So when you have a free slot e-mail me and we can try it and see.

Edit: You may be right, maybe the Queen does win but I'm not sure its that easy

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I myself have tested the 8p +K vs K+Q endgame...

and my conclusions are quite simple, it entirely depends of the position of the pawns.

to give you an Example -- this is me vs. Crafty, I had black....

[FEN "3kq3/8/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/4K3 w - - 0 1"]

1. d3 Qe5 2. b3 Qxh2 3. e4 Qxg2 4. a4 Qg1+ 5. Ke2 Qc1 6. c4 Qc2+ 7. Ke3 Qxb3
8. a5 Qa3 9. e5 Qxa5 10. Ke4 Qe1+ 11. Kd5 Qxf2 12. d4 Qf3+ 13. Kd6 Qe4 14. d5
Qxc4 15. Ke6 Qc7 16. Kf6 Kd7 17. Kf5 Qc5 18. e6+ Ke7 19. Ke4 Kd6 20. e7 Kxe7
21. Ke5 Kd7 22. Ke4 Kd6 23. Kf3 Qxd5+ 24. Ke2 Qd4 25. Kf3 Ke5 26. Kg3 Qf4+
27. Kg2 Ke4 28. Kh3 Kf5 29. Kg2 Kg4 30. Kh1 Kg3 31. Kg1 Qc1# *

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