I am convinced this isn't sound, but it is a beutiful combination!! A long term Queen sacrifice with most of the material on the board...
Game 1351979
Black only has his Queen to defend the Queenside while his pieces are stuck (literally) on the kingside. I was lucky to get this position, but the conversion of the Queenside monopoly ranks this game in my top 3 of all time!! Enjoy 😀
Originally posted by marinakatombVery pretty 🙂. I don't see any refutation to it.
I am convinced this isn't sound, but it is a beutiful combination!! A long term Queen sacrifice with most of the material on the board...
Game 1351979
Black only has his Queen to defend the Queenside while his pieces are stuck (literally) on the kingside. I was lucky to get this position, but the conversion of the Queenside monopoly ranks this game in my top 3 of all time!! Enjoy 😀
Wait, what about 25...Qb8 and 26...Bxe5? That might save Black.
Originally posted by marinakatombyes.
I am convinced this isn't sound, but it is a beutiful combination!! A long term Queen sacrifice with most of the material on the board...
Game 1351979
Black only has his Queen to defend the Queenside while his pieces are stuck (literally) on the kingside. I was lucky to get this position, but the conversion of the Queenside monopoly ranks this game in my top 3 of all time!! Enjoy 😀
It was nice to watch
Originally posted by marinakatombVery nice!
I am convinced this isn't sound, but it is a beutiful combination!! A long term Queen sacrifice with most of the material on the board...
Game 1351979
Black only has his Queen to defend the Queenside while his pieces are stuck (literally) on the kingside. I was lucky to get this position, but the conversion of the Queenside monopoly ranks this game in my top 3 of all time!! Enjoy 😀
I only doubt if black could not have won by not accepting the queen sac, but to go for a piece vs. 2 pawns advantage with 22.Nxb5 Rxc2! e.g.23.Nc7+ Rxc7 24.Bxa6. I would strongly favour black here.
Originally posted by Mephisto223. Nd6+ Qxd6 24. exd6 Rc8 looks like an improvement on that line.
Very nice!
I only doubt if black could not have won by not accepting the queen sac, but to go for a piece vs. 2 pawns advantage with 22.Nxb5 Rxc2! e.g.23.Nc7+ Rxc7 24.Bxa6. I would strongly favour black here.
Originally posted by Mephisto2Actually, i wouldn't have play 23.Nc7+ at all. Nd6+ was what i was planning, forcing black to take Qxd6. Even though black is up a piece, his knight, rook and bishop are all muddled up and on the wrong side of the board. By bringing the rooks onto the open c-file i'm sure a pawn could be converted (though it's obviously impossible to give an exact line, as it would take many moves...)
Very nice!
I only doubt if black could not have won by not accepting the queen sac, but to go for a piece vs. 2 pawns advantage with 22.Nxb5 Rxc2! e.g.23.Nc7+ Rxc7 24.Bxa6. I would strongly favour black here.
Originally posted by marinakatombLooks like a better plan indeed. But if it is enough to win? Anyway, it sure looks as the decline of the queen sac is not a refutation either. Again, well done!
Actually, i wouldn't have play 23.Nc7+ at all. Nd6+ was what i was planning, forcing black to take Qxd6. Even though black is up a piece, his knight, rook and bishop are all muddled up and on the wrong side of the board. By bringing the rooks onto the open c-file i'm sure a pawn could be converted (though it's obviously impossible to give an exact line, as it would take many moves...)
Originally posted by Mephisto2Thanks Mephisto 😀
Looks like a better plan indeed. But if it is enough to win? Anyway, it sure looks as the decline of the queen sac is not a refutation either. Again, well done!
Here's some anlysis done by MotownDave, the latest recruit to the funky movers clan. Makes interesting reading (he kindly did some anlysis...)
Hi James,
OK, I spent some time looking at this game, and no question for sure you kicked his ..... This was a well played game by you in general, but I have some questions about the sac.
You did a wonderful job maintaining the natural advantage of the white pieces during the first 10 move.
11...Nxe5 a very significant error. You will see one like this in one of the games I will send you.
15.b4 not a bad error, but it creates some weakness on the c-file that your opponent does not notice and does not expoit, but with a black rook on the now open file and your Q on it as well as holes for the rook as created by b4 there were likely better options. Now15...Nf5 16.g4 Ng3 17. Rg1 Ne4 18.Bxe4 dxe4 almost gets him back to even
but never fear, he responds with another boner as 15...Qb6 does not capitalize.
Along with 15.b4 your 0-0-0 amplifies the problem. 16...Bf5 17.g4 Bxd3 18.Qxd3 Rc4 (becasue of 15. b4) 19.a3 e6 =. I know 0-0-0 looks aggressive, but 0-0 is a lot safer. MotownDave says (in honor of his chess hero Tigran Petrosian), "To win, you first must not lose."
I'm not sure Kb3 is best either if ...Nf5 19.Qb1 Bh6 20. Bxf5 gxf5 21. Ne2 0-0 then =/+
21 N3xb5 is the Q-sac. What happens after 21...Rxc2 22. Nxc7+ Rxc7 23. Rxa6 Nf5 24.Bd3 f6 -/+ You have gained two isolated, doubled rook pawns for a knight.....
Really this was a well played game, but I am not sure the sac is sound... Perhaps I have overlooked something........
Fortunately it goes very well for you as 21...Bxb5 is a very serious blunder and 24...Qb7 is the game loser.
Nice game, James, and obviously a fun one to play!
LOL, the return match went much the same way, only it's a rook sac this time...
Game 1351976
Somebody stop me!! Woohoo 😛
Originally posted by marinakatombYes, that was my first thought, too - White looks more dynamic, but after Rxc2 I wouldn't exactly kick Black's position out of bed.
What happens after 21...Rxc2 22. Nxc7+ Rxc7 23. Rxa6 Nf5 24.Bd3 f6 -/+ You have gained two isolated, doubled rook pawns for a knight.....
Originally posted by marinakatombI'm not sure if this one is sound either. I set up a queen sac on move 10 in view of mate in 8. Can you see it??? 😉
I am convinced this isn't sound, but it is a beutiful combination!! A long term Queen sacrifice with most of the material on the board...
Game 1351979
Black only has his Queen to defend the Queenside while his pieces are stuck (literally) on the kingside. I was lucky to get this position, but the conversion of the Queenside monopoly ranks this game in my top 3 of all time!! Enjoy 😀
Game 1428837
BTW: Don't anybody tell me I should have resigned on move 11.
Originally posted by marinakatombIt's not even a sac or combination.I dont get it. It seems like an ordinary exchange to me.
I am convinced this isn't sound, but it is a beutiful combination!! A long term Queen sacrifice with most of the material on the board...
Game 1351979
Black only has his Queen to defend the Queenside while his pieces are stuck (literally) on the kingside. I was lucky to get this position, but the conversion of the Queenside monopoly ranks this game in my top 3 of all time!! Enjoy 😀